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AcrossCo Blog

Sexy Time

"My name a Borat. I like you. I like sex, is nice!"

"My wife is dead?......High Five!!!!!"

"Why you call police? Did retard escape?"

I guess what im trying to say here is.......

"Very nice how much"

The Hot List (did u make it? find out!)

Kirsten Dunst: hot

Maria Sharapova: hotter

Jessica Alba: f***ing bangin!!!

T.O. : sucks

Jarhead: crappy movie

Saving Private Ryan: better movie

Gas prices: still outragious

Monkeys: amazing

Porn: also amazing

Monkey Porn: strangly disturbing

Samuel L Jackson: the man

Johney Depp: also the man

Clerks 2: funny

Quinten Tarintino: crazy

System of a Down: awesome band

Wolfmother: another awesome band

Pearl Jam: the greatest band ever

Drawn Together: retarded show

South Park: funniest animated show on TV

The Simpsons: rides 2nd to South Park untill they clean up they're act

Woodstock: hippys!!!

Halo: best game out there

Republicans: wrong

Global Warming: sucks

Paris Hilton: sucks

Me Getting Kicked Out of Gamespot For Offending People: priceless

...for everything else theres Master Card

Master Card commericals: amusing


Smoke on the Water

So its come to this, the last dance. For all your support and all your comes to this. Why, you might ask, or I pretend you ask. Whats the point? Theres no need for this, nobody cares anymore, its just wasting my time....hang on......hello?......yes im buissy right now! no no im not doing that......NO.....why?....alright, alright good, you cant tell Niel Patrick Harris to suck my left n** cause im not doing it!......ok...ok....yeah, thanks.....just put something together real quick...see you at home baby.....sorry, my wife Jessica Alba was just informing me on my commercial status. So where were we...umm....crap, i forget. The point is you can all go.....Damnit Boxy! Get down from there!....No! No! dont you point at me....dont you point! Okay, whatever, just go ahead and light up....yeah, yeah thanks for commenting by the way. Well, now i will bid you f***ing adu......

Even Flow

This is probably going to make me sound like a jerk, for lack of a better term, but i dont know if i should feel bad for homeless people. Like really homeless people, not poor people,  but like "give me money" homeless folks.

This one time, I was just minding my own buissness, walking down the streets of Philly at two in the morning, when a homeless man stopped me and asked for some change. I assumed he was homeless cuz he had no shoes, holes in his socks, long shaggy dirty hair, thing of that nature. So i gave all the change the change I had, but then he said something like "is that it? I cant buy smack with this!" So then he started fallowing me. So like any normal person I started running, and like any normal crack head, he started chasing me. So eventually I maneuvered  my way around him, and managed to get away. But I dont really feel bad for him, cuz he brought his homelessness on himself by wasting his money on drugs. But some house impaired people I do feel bad for, such as the crazy ones, or the ones who owned a buisseness that went bankrupt. So...yeah, im probably an a** hole.

"Freezzzzinnn, rests his head on a pillow made of concrete"

Life Wasted

What? How am i? More like how are you! What you doing over staring at me with those big googley eyes. I ought kick your ass! What? Whats that? Dont blame this on your skin condition! Huh?.....oh....oh, ok so its not okay if I run around naked waving a lightsaber and a cat saying "look at me im Angie Dickinson!" What! How dare you sleep with my wife!!!...I dont care if you give her what she's wants! She'll like what i say she'll like....oh great now your hands down your pants!! Yeah, yeah, I understand, real classy pal! A real class act!......Hey! hey I saw that!! Put that needle away!!!....OH great you have a knife! Of course you have a knife! Real great, real great. Nice life decision man!!!


:( Sorry guys, but my computer is being really wierd lately, so wierd that its....broken. I'm writing this at a friends house, but I have ordered a new computer and it should be here soon. Although I do relieze that I have been demoted in most of my unions, and I honestly can't blame you. I've been a d-bag for not keeping in touch. Plus i've been really bussy with girl problems, still chasing after someone, but starting to it will probably never happen. Anyway, I'll be back soon.

once again, sorry



I wont be posting that much cuz the Olympics are on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although they are almost over :cry:. I really get into it, and then when they are over, it feels like the world is coming to an end. It sucks they only come once every four years. Well......i dont count summer, they're not as good as winter. My favorite events are snowboarding, speed skating, ski jumping, and bobsleding (just because its such a randomly wierd sport) But speed skating short track is what im getting into the most. Apollo was robbed of gold last Sunday when he fell. Curse you Korea! Nah, im just kidding Korea is pretty cool.

Gotta go, they're on right now

This is a Problem

            So here's the deal. Last semister I was taking a photography class and I was really enjoying it. Not so much because of the picture taking, its because I grew to like this one girl in the class. We would talk and complenent each others work, and occasionally I would say something dumb and there would be that twenty minute akward silence. Life was good, but it was soon to be over. Unfortunatly for me, photo was only a half year course. So now I dont talk to her that much, but I still want to go out with her. I do pass her in the hallways but we usualy just say "hi". If I see in walking, I'll try to catch up with her, but I usually fail, because there are so many people in my way . So I have a bad feeling that she'll find a boyfriend and I'll be out of luck. I really hope things start to get better.

damn, life sucks

I'm Back.....

.....and pissed. I was planning on coming back sooner, in fact I wrote about it in a recent blog entry. I said I was staying, and will be posting after mid-terms were over. However, I used some "offensive behavior" in that entry and suspended for it. It was some profanity, which I censored by the way, and apperently it was offended somebody out there. I dont know why, it wasn't directed at anybody, but i'm sure they have thier reasons.

But who would report me for that? Wow, I used some bad language, who gives a flying fuc....poop. I do have one thing to say to them......grow a pair! I'm sure that you've heard much worse just walking down the street, or in your school, or in your office building, or wherever. Well whatever, I suppose I should watch my language or "offensive behavior" from now on. Although I would like to know who reported me. Or maybe it wasn't a member, it could have been an GS administrator. Either way i'm back, but once again contemplating leaving.


I am debating wether or not to leave GS. It's just getting harder to post these days, because of school and jobs, and what not. That, and GS isn't what it used to be. Its kind of getting old.  And yet, i'm totaly sure if I want to leave. I had a lot of fun here, had a lot of good times. So maybe I wont leave after all. I dont know, what to you think?

See ya in another life

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