Thats right im done motorstorm. i thought it was great, very time consuming but great :P the reason i think its time consuming is because i decided i was gonna get first in every race lol, and i did :o but then again thats the only way you get the last ticket to the last event, which is plainly named "Apocalypse" lmao :lol: i really liked the game play in MotorStorm, it was simple, but hard to master, and just about all of the crashes in the game were spectacualar lol. but i really wish they had a replay system/ screenshot system, cause there was this one time where i was in a racing truck, and had just gone off of a ramp, and i paused really quickly, looked around my car, and inches underneath it was a biker :lol: that was something ill never forget. and im actually okay with no real modes in it, the racing by itself is just fine imo. so i dont really want to go into lots of detail so ill just say i give it a 9.0. i really thought it was a great game, and ill never forget MotorStorm :)
anyways, now ive decided i want to play Rainbow Six Vegas first instead of Resistance, because for one: i kinda wanna play a tactial shooter, dont ask why:| cause i dont know :P and two: i already beat resistance so ill beat it some other time, most likly after im done with all of my other games, same goes for daxter
and my question, will seem like a n00bish one, but i can not figure out how to get picks onto blogs, i wouldnt mind putting up some screenshots of the games i just beat in my blogs so, yeah if you know could u comment here or pm me? thanks guys :)
i dont think ill be getting Guitar Hero or Rock band for a couple of reasons now
1)I can play real guitar
2) i need the money for other games (considering both the games with the equipment are going to be $150+
3) me and my friends are starting to jam a bit together so, i kinda have a band lol
4) the buttons on the guitar for Guitar Hero arnt the same size as a real fret on a guitar, so i always miss the buttons
so yeah thats my "excuse" lol ;):P
so hows everyone been doing, i trust that everyone is haveing a hell of a time, and getting ready for the November game reasese (i can only remeber COD4, Haze, Uncharted, Assasins Creed, Rock band and tommarow Guitar Hero lol) personally i wanna get Assasins Creed for sure, ill have to see the reviews for Haze, Uncharted, and COD4 before i get those, but i still think they look great :) also im getting (hopefully) warhawk on monday (tommarow) cause thats when EB games most likly has a new shipment or so they say lol, and with it (sinces its only the disk, and is $39.99 i think) ill get Shadow of the Collosus. again, "hopefully" :P and i just saw that God Of War 2 whent down in price :o $39.99 Yayy, but i still think ill get it when its a greatest hit lol, cause then its like $20 or so lol, yes i know im cheap :P oh wait, i just remebered Best Buy has these things where you can buy 2 greatest hits games for like a little over $20 so i might wait for that...hmmm.... so many choices lol so i guess ill do that and save my money for the November game relaces.
well ill be leaving u guys till my next blog, possibly a "i beat socom" blog :P and sorry its kinda long lol :oops: talk to you guys later :D untill then, keep on gaming ;)