got 3 topics today, but before we get started, how has everyone been. hope everyone is getting ready for the holiday season.
Warhawk - Yeah so it turns out i dont like Warhawk that much. I rented it, and i didnt enjoy it that much. Im not saying its bad, i think its a great game, with graphics, options for fighting, and how open ended the customization is. I just dont enjoy it, and im not sure why, so i wont be getting it. i think i'd give it a score of ... 8.7:)
Ridge Racer - So, i've raced though 3 tour things, the Basic, the Pro, and the Ex tours, and within there are more tours, 39 to be exact, and i had one last one in the Ex tour. So im playing, and it was just so unfair, every race you start in 12 and usually have to make it ot 3rd, 2nd, or 1st from there :( so after about 50+ tries on the race i end up beating it, and i say to myself "finally! i've acutally beaten the game!" a message then pops up saying "congradulations, you have unlocked the MAX tour!" its basically the hardest tour in the game, and for the first race segments, the description is "only 1 in 200 people are expected to beat this" ... wtf? i look at the next tour "only 1 in 300 people are expected to beat this" ... huh? the next tour says "only 1 in 400 people are expected to beat this" ... your kidding ... right? or exagerating? please? so i start the first race, and its 4 cars, im in 4th :| i start and i have a bit of boost, is i try getting ahead of the dude in third, and he uses boost as well, "okay..." so i try taking the corners really sharp, and were in the same car but hes faster than me, "weird" i say to myself. so were on a straight, and in about 3 seconds hes out of it, and i have half way to go "BULLSH!T!" so i offically hate Ridge Racer, and am now playing Prince of Persia Revelations instead :twisted:
Assassins Creed - i cant even begin to discribe this game its that good. you have to kill 9 guys and im on the forth one, and ive only had it for about 2 days. my 360 loving friend is at my house now and cant stop killing the guards because the sword play is so fun lol :P personally i enjoy running across roof tops and finding veiw points ( you need view points to fill up your map so you can see things, and when you get them the camera circls around Altier and it really shows off the graphics :D ive only ran into a few problems, the framerate goes to hell sometimes, and it frezzez every now and then, but i think i might have scratched the disk :oops: so that could be the problem :D another thing ive seen is that each city has a colour to it. Acre has a blueish ting, and Jeruselem has a Greenish one while the other city (cant remeber the name) has an orange ting, and i think it looks pretty damn cool :P but thats all i can write for now, and i think this might be my GAME OF THE YEAR! yes i love AC that much :oops:
thanks for reading guys :)