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Its about time i made another blog entry...

Okay, i havent blogged in a while, and theres too much to say. Last time alot of people didnt read my really, really, long blog, so im gonna make this on as short as possible.

Im done exams (Finally, im free!!!!!!:D) which makes me so happy, but the fact that we still have 2 weeks(?) of school left here is pissing me off. And also the ballet students that go to my school have left...For good. But almost all of them have facebook so we can keep in touch still 8) (If you're wondering what facebook is its just like MySpace).

Now im gonna be busy again alot because my Uncel and Aunt from England have come to Winnipeg to get married, so im gonna attend a wedding (Never been to one before, wish me luck :D).

Havent got that new guitar yet, but when I do im gonna post some pics. Might go on a vacation to see my sister whos in Thialand for a bit, so im gonna be buying alot of games for my PSP so i wont get board, and dont worry ive got a list (GTA: Lib city stories, Burnout Legends, Monster Hunter Freedome, and PoPoLoCrois, or an free roaming action adventur, combate racing, and 2 rpgs 8)). If ur wondering why i picked those games its cause thier all under 20 dollers used or at best buy, so its about the same price as one new game;).

I gota new CD (Warning by Green Day, my favorite band) and im really into the song Minority,Waiting, and Macys Day Parade. I recomend this CD (And band)to anyone who likes some good punk rock ;)8):D. Havent picked up San Andreas yet, but im still gonna wait for he Price to go down untill i get GOW2. And now were thinking about making my basement a rec room. All we need is a new tv (the one down there sucks). And my dad really wants to get a Pool table down there. So theres gonna be a PS3 (Only if theres a new tv) my guitars, our computer, and a Pool Table. I might go live down there :D.

Thats about it, i hope ill be able to make more blogs soon, and i hope im not too busy anymore. C ya round ;)

PS: hope u dont mind, i kinda made this blog a little too long again :roll: