Okay well, i didnt get to play halo 3 because microsoft doesnt deliver on weekends, and he still doesnt his 360 back. oh well, at least i have my PS3 to retreat to for a while :D Still dont have a warhawk, but i found something i can do to satisfiy my gaming hunger for a while. A couple days ago i started playing Motorstom again, and now im really getting into it. Ive desided taht im going to try and beat all of my games again or for the first time :oops: (first time i mean games like oblivion, i kinda just put that down for a bit lol) So im gonna start with MotorStorm (cause im stuck in Ninja Gaiden, stupid Alma greater fiend lol) then move on to Resistance on Hard difficulty (to get my FPS skillz all polished :P) then im gonna try NGS again and if i still cant do it then move onto R6V campain, try NGS one more time before i get into Oblivion (kinda wanna save it for last cause i know its gonna take forever lol :P) as for the PSP when im supposed to go to bed usually i cant go to sleep so i end up playing Socom for an hour or two...or three lol :D so start with that, then GTA Lib city stories, then go back to Daxter (havent played that in forever lol) the finnish the last few races in Ridge Racer lol, the finally im gonna try to beat PoP: Revelations.
im pretty sure u can tell i wont be on much only to say that i beat a game or something lol but yeah if i dont comment on ur blogs much im sorry and ill try to do all this at once lol. k time for some motorstorm :D
Peace 8)