Well i offically have no clue what im going to get now for christmas. my world has turned upside down, Haze was delayed:xrock band is starting to look good:ouncharted got an okay score, so ill think about getting it:|
i was gonna get MGS 2 and 3 cause ive never played them but they look good, and the orange box plus, god of war 2 and SoTC. I know im gonna the orange box and GOW2 + SoTC, and now i need a reason i should buy MGS 2 and 3 lol
i was also going to get some CD's but i might just ask for a couple from my parents for a present instead of paying for them myself but im not so sure now. actually im gonna drop SoTC, GOW2, and MGS2+3 for now, and get them later.
Im also learning a song for my final exam in my guitar class (yes my school has a guitar class, i got 100% on the progress report/report card :D) the song im learning is Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton. It was written for his son, when they were in New York, and his son fell off the balcony of the apartment( im not really sure if it was an apartment) and actually died :( its a very sad song, and also very hard to play on guitar :| i have a video ill put a link to now, its also go the lyrics and its a live preformance. http://youtube.com/watch?v=VRsJlAJvOSM&feature=related yeah im a noob sorta with comps so i dont know how to make the link say whatever you want, so youll just have this lol. hope you enjoy it and take the message to heart :)
bye everyone, have a nice day or week or w/e lol :P
EDIT: I just found out that hissons mother(they werent married at the time apparently)was with his son when he fell of the balcony, and its because the maid left the window open, so that had to harder on him. also his sons name was Connor
RIP Connor