Done the Bronze Medallion classes now, passed on the first try, even though i didnt study for the exam at all. There was this one person in my class who had done Bronze Medallion 4 times already, and was freaking out about the final test. She said she stayed up till 1 in the morning just looking at her lifesaving book so she knew everything. I was just thinking at that moment how i stayed up till 2 playing MotorStorm (Considering that i just got it replaced cause my neice scratched the disk really really bad. At least i got a new one for free, even though the warrenty on it had gone over a month now. But then again, people that work at superstore are kinda dumb lol. Just kidding, they arent dumb just.... flexable to use the right turm lol). I also had a cold when i did the test (Still do) and i was only there physically not really mentally, but some how i still passed lol ;)
So next week i have to do the Bronze Cross :( but since i finnished the Medallion on the first try, i got some money from my parents as a preasent. Gonna go buy Rainbow Six Vegas with it, then maybe when im done Cross then ill get Ninja Gaiden Sigma. But i am determinded to get both of those games ASAP.
Watched the E3 press conferences for Sony and Microsoft (Didnt bother watching Nintendo, i dont have anything against them, just not really interested) And i think that they were both great. Im more excited about Sony (Cause i have a PS3) but still MS was great too. Now im thinking about getting Gears for the PC :D But if ur wondering why im getting R6V before Sigma is cause i might get too addicted to sigma and beat the story in like 2 weeks (Same thing with god of war except alot shorter of a time period lol). With Vegas i can play online and not get bored at all fast, so i think that Vegas will last longer than Sigma, but im gonna get both eventally :)
Well that raps up my update, so i think ill go now and ill see you all around once im done Bronze Cross (BTW *whispers* im still making money lol ;)) Bye everyone :)