Personally the GHIII Les Paul looks more like a discontinued Gibson BluesHawk, check it out for yourselves, just go to the available finishes and select "Ebony"
It is ALOT thinner. My PSP (The old one) is so heavy. I might get this new one, or ill just wait for the very next one. But i like Piano Black, its the original colour of the PSP but also its like THE colour for sony. PS2, PS3 and PSP are all in black, so i like the black better. But that white one dosent look to bad....Hummm...To many choises come with E3 lol
If you think that the list sucks, you and me are in the same boat buddy. But look at the prices. Your not going to to out a buy like 5 games all worth $40-$50 each. All of the games here are under $20 (Without tax) and this is actually helping me, cause i might go a visit my sister that is thialand right now, and i dont really have any good games for my PSP right now. By the way, my sister doesnt live in Thialand, shes just taking her last University cours for education by teaching kids there.
Yeah no kidding ilootin, noobs, shut up already. This is only the beta, so the graphics u see here is not what the actual game is going to look like. Besides, they already look sweet :D
Yeah, Asuryan2 you're right. Everyone keeps saying that the graphics suck, but actually they are really good. And to add to that, this is only BETA!!! Just like many other people have said, the graphics are gonna look bad on the Beta, but the truth is they dont. So people, stop complaining. It looks great, and this isnt even the final product.
i dont have an xbox so i might buy this when i get vista around next year so it will be cheaper then. not to mention now it has a map maker, and that could be a ton of fun, especially since the online is free
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