@WingChopMasta @Ad-verse Thanks for the well constructed reply. I am glad that you didn't write a moronic response. I hear what you are saying and I do agree. I just do not like this business model. I have been playing video games for about 20+ years now and I loved how things used to be (before F2P and mediocre DLC started plaguing the industry). I think that there is a chance for 'Free-to-Play' to become more than just a boring pay-to-win monstrosity. I just have low expectations, because most free-to-play games have become pay-to-win/half baked attempts...
I will not sit here and be blinded by nostalgia either. I think that the industry has progressed and I have enjoyed games that would have never been possible on consoles/technology of the past. I am willing to suffer a little, as long as we keep getting games like Bioshock, Ni No Kuni, Batman: Arkham City, etc.
@Slim_Lyrics @Badgamewontsell @Oldboy08 Maybe not a reboot, but another character, with an alternate perspective would be cool.
Regardless, I am looking forward to this game. The Co-op is a positive for me, as I game with my brother 50% of the time. I like the addition of Co-op, but I am not a big fan of competitive (CoD, BF3, etc) games. I grew tired of those in the early 2000's (during the big PC - FPS era).
@Stonecutters908 @leandrro @Bilal100 So it sounds as if you just proved his point. If you have a "half dozen devices" that can bring Netflix and Amazon to your TV, then you do not need your console to do this for you.
@Mutante_666 I have 2 Vita's and I wish that Mercenary had already been released. I am sure that Sony does too. I am sure a lot more Vita's would have sold and the Vita would have an actual FPS, instead of the rubbish that was developed by N-stigate.
Bungie did the right thing when they left Halo behind, because Halo has gotten kind of bland (in my opinion). I am optimistic about Destiny, but I never really enjoyed any Halo other than the first (I feel the same way about GoW).
If Cliff were join to Bungie, he would be working on a Bungie property. That would mean that he wouldn't have the "creative freedoms" that he wants, not to mention, I don't think that Bungie would mesh well with Cliff.
Ad-verse's comments