An Alternative for who? This is my first account on gamespot. My gamertag is Adamocracy on XBOX, I just beat Batman Arkham Asylum.. thought it was a bad game and that it was overrated, googled whether anyone else thought so, came along this thread. So yeah. But anyways, people who are saying this game imporved ten times fold of arkham asylum would be like saying mw3 improved ten times more then mw2 (which we all know is not true). Arkham City had a good idea, but I feel like it wasn't executed quite properly. It should of had a larger city, not some ten block radius **** They should of added other combos. I mean the best way to knock people out is the easiest (critical strikes) People who were saying the story was short. I did in fact feel it was short, and people who are saying it was the length as AA, your right but it still feels way shorter then it. I feel like there could of been a few of the side missions that they could of made an actual story mission, like saving Nora Fries, deadshot investigation, Titan Formula mission. And I've said it before, if I pay 64.46 for a single player game... I want the story mode to be long and worth the 64.46. Also whoever said they had a nerdgasm over seeing Clayface, well then your lieing if you say you weren't disappointed with that incredible easy @$$ bossfight. And Im a nerd of Batman, I loved it that it was in fact a batman game in the fullest. But I was disappointed to see after the fight with grundy, the game got boring. After the grundy fight it seems that everything just started to be a copy and paste of the last level. Now maybe I'll try out the game on the new story mode (where I can keep my upgrades) and check it out some more. But there two things that I truly did like bout this game were the graphics (besides the pixelated background) loved the detail that goes into the characters, but it did suck to only see two-face, catwoman, and penguin, for a little bit. Secondly, I loved Mr. Freeze's boss fight, it was frustrating as hell, but when I finally beat him I yelled out "Take it b*tch!" And it will go down in my top 5 favorite boss fights of all time.
I to felt the game was overrated, and Im a big Batman fan. When I played Batman: Arkham Asylum, I really liked the game because it was new and fresh. That game to me was a 10/10. So when Arkham City came out, I bought it right away and the first few missions I was like, "Oh yeah this game is gonna be tight." but then after 2 hours of playing, it started to get redundant, but I stayed positive. Around the halfway mark, I was getting bored wit the game. You literally cycle through the same area's for the storyline. Out of a hole city you spend most of your time, underground, in the GCPD building, and the museum or in Jokers lair. I was disappointed with the last boss battle being the easiest out of them all (like seriously clayface... all you had to do was throw ice bombs and you beat him. Hell there were certain stealth takedown missions harder then that. The Mr. Freeze boss battle was harder then that. Hell, even the boss battle with the Joker, 12 thugs, a luitenant, and a titan and the little train set was harder then that. And yeah I agree wit the troll face guy, if I pay 64.54 for a game where theres no multiplayer, I want a long story mode. When you beat the game you get a 20-30 percent completion depending on how many trophies you have earned and what not... thats not enough. And now to the guy with the batman icon as his picture... your obviously a fanboy. You said you want me to name a superhero game that had a open world that was better.. okay I will Infamous. Yeah youll say, "When you beat the man story you only get ___ percent completion." yes but at least completing the side missions actually benefits you (when you beat a side mission it makes that area safe to be from the gang members" as in Arkham City, theres no need for the side missions. Also back tot he Riddler Challenges, the only reason why I would even want to get all of the trophies is if I get to actually encounter the Riddler. Now in conclusion, I believe Batman Arkham Asylum was fresh and new, but with the sequel (Arkham City) it didnt give us that new shoe smell... you know? And yeah, you got all of these new toys that dont do anything to the bad guys. I feel like the people who gave this game a perfect score, played oonly three missions and were like "this game is awesome." and stopped it there. To those talking bout the DLC adding to it, I shouldn't have paid 60 dollars for a game that NEEDS DLC to make it longer. Now the good things I do have to say bout it. Batman=Awesome Graphics were good (besides the actual cutscenes because of the pixelated backgrounds) Even though it was repitive, you did play the game like you were in fact batman. Mr. Freeze Boss Battle will forever be one of my favorite boss battles.
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