@Darth_Starwind @dannyodwyer I can't remember who pointed it out earlier but kickstarters are kind of like an investment. The only difference is the only dividends they get are actually playing the game they funded. Some end up being good investments, others not so much. I think that if a kickstarter fails there needs to be some accounting, just as when a company fails and its investors demand answers as to why it failed, to those who invested in it.
I agree with what Danny said about the whole business of people judging games without actually playing them and creating such a ruckus about it. But then again I usually don't pay a lot of attention to what other users say. Everyone has different opinions about games and as Danny said, not all games are for everyone.
Considering that Nintendo is averaging huge sail with every other console, the fact that the Wii-U didn't do so well isn't a surprise. It's a cycle that started with SNES, which was followed by Virtual-boy, N64 and you know the rest. I'm certain Nintendo's next console will be just great and innovative as the Wii.
@sol_invictus55 sorry but he really didn't say anything to the effect that there is sexism in games. Of the two quotes you used I agree 100%. The gaming industry is putting forth some strong and not just sexy female characters and quite frankly I didn't really realize there was any overt sexism. Maybe I'm just dense or maybe I just look at the gaming industry for what it is: an escape from reality for a few hours. Personally I generally don't care how women and people of other ethnicities are portrayed. Why? Because how they're shown in games isn't going to change how I view them in real life; it's just fantasy and I can tell the difference. Of course there are exceptions and I deal with those as I come across them as I see fit.
@kamikazeespleen Gotta agree with you. It looks slicker but things are just messed up. Would have preferred the new look but with the same features i.e. each platform having its own page and links to the games/reviews/new releases/etc., etc. related to that specific platform.
I'll admit I never played the first Assassin's Creed but have played II, Brotherhood, Revelation, and III. And I loved all of them. That said the fact that there is a new one coming out every year, almost to the day, doesn't give us enough time to build up the anticipation for another game. For many of us we're just barely into, if not just finished, one version before we're seeing a teaser trailer for the next edition. And then it's a matter of here we go again. Eventually players aren't going to look forward to it. Dare I make the comparison to Call of Duty, Madden, and WWE whatever they're calling it. We know it's coming but we aren't necessarily looking forward to it.
I can think of several successful series in which there has been more than two years between games. Having that break between games means we have a chance to play the game, realize how much we love it, and after a year or two begin to pine for what we loved about it. Plus we don't have the certainty that a new one will be released or when; making us treasure the game more. We forget whatever was wrong, unless it is significant, about the game and want more.What Ubisoft is doing, ruins it and we pretty much don't have time to forget about the flaws, both major and minor, in a series.
As for what Danny said, I don't know about all of it. However putting a new game out every year like clockwork is eventually going to diminish the overall quality of the game because the company has to rush to put it out in time; meaning less/lower quality new features to keep it fresh.
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