- Addict187’s Activity
@LJS9502_basic said:@silentchief said: Amazing Democrats have the power and yet somehow want to blame Republicans 🤣.This economy is on you.Economy is not a problem. It did, in fact, recover from last...
@deckard26364: How dare you say this sir
@BassMan said:Honestly, this game is highly overrated. I picked up Miles Morales Ultimate Edition on PS5 and I have been trying to play the remaster for many months now, but I can't really get into it...
@SolidGame_basic: yep it sure dose help
@warm_gun said:Maher's audience are robots. They'll laugh and cheer at anything he says. Miss when he didn't have an audience during the height of the pandemic, before the vaccines.All of those shows...
@appariti0n: They did make an anyone category.
@tjandmia said:@kadin_kai said: @tjandmia said: @Addict187 said: @tjandmia said: Nope. Sorry, but that's not it. Donald Trump left office well after restrictions were lifted. Trump left office with a...
@tjandmia said:@Addict187 said: @tjandmia said: @kadin_kai said: I am not too surprised, he really hasn’t done much good for Americans so far.8 million jobs, 4.6% economic growth, and $360 billion in...
@tjandmia said: @kadin_kai said: I am not too surprised, he really hasn’t done much good for Americans so far.8 million jobs, 4.6% economic growth, and $360 billion in deficit reduction isn't good eno...
@fedor said:I'd be all for banning guns at this point, America has proven they can't handle having them.Will Banning guns stop crazy people, and criminals from getting them from organized crime?. Goo...
maybe they just double the GPU turn up the CPU just like they did with PS4 pro
@Random_Matt said:The world allowed it to happen, the US could have sent the troops in. Hell, the UK could have even helped.Nuclear war is a big deterrence
@mesome713 said:This Wii U looking game should be running at 8k 120fps.You are just being silly
65" Samsung NU8000 this tv still is great but will be upgrading this November to something that can do GSYNC with my 3080
@horgen said: @palasta said: @horgen said: @HoolaHoopMan said: Not from the pro-life crowd. Or if the fetus is non-viable and could kill the mother if taken to term. Pro birth 100%. Then they forget.P...
@palasta said: @Addict187 said: It's crazy that sex in this day and age is treated as nothing more than something we do for a good time. And when humans get created as a result of this good time. Peop...
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