Like have better sales, more good games ect?jedigemini
Not really. I bought one and am really impressed with it BUT it still has some major flaws the worst of which is the price of both games and console. Ya it's old but it's true. They drop a few squids off both and the lean mean fat grilling machine will shift in the US and UK/EU at least.
In Jp it's a different issue really. Over there it seems (as far as console sales have shown) that there is a large shift in attitude towards handhelds / portables away from the traditional home consoles. All home consoles are's just that Nintendo hit the spot and are doing much better (but all fall behind compared to handheld sales etc).
Tastes change and so do fortunes. I hope Sony see sense and change their marketing strategy asap. I find myself increasingly drawn towards the handheld market too...but I can't wait for MGS4 eitehr ;)
It was confirmed by Sony that they are working on redesigning PSP, so i am wondering will redesign PSP have second analog stick and what do you think will they improve battery life?Vojkan80001
Those two things + better onboard storage woulf be worth upgrading the original for imo.
Highlight the CD icon an dpress Triangle (think it;s that one) to get the sub menu up which has the option to copy to HDD, or you can do the same thing to individual songs on teh CD if you wish.
Well not quite yet sadly ;) but I asked about that and the 120GB HDD in GAME and they said that the ELITE will cost the same as the premium and be out in July. I know the release is old news but the price point I did not. were selling the current premium for £249 recently so I guess they are offloading stock to make way for the ELITE :)
Sadly GAME had no news on the price of the HDD...only that it would be available at the same time...Dur!
"And finally, one other detail not mentioned in the European release is that users can now copy saved data from PlayStation or PlayStation 2 format software stored on their PS3 system to a Memory Card or Memory Card (8MB), using their PS3 system and a Memory Card Adaptor."
i was happy to see it. especially if it is true.Â
WTF?! I sold my memory cards to my buddy because I figured I wouldn't need them anymore...GRRR
The adapter costs £12.99 and is widely available :)
first off u obviously have no taste in gamesBenTheJamin
Comments like that are entirely unnecessary. I'm failry sure that you are not the word's authority on games and others are entitled to their opinions just as you are.
Neither LOTRO or WoW are revolutionary, rather they take aspects from other MMO's and make them their own. Both are good but some prefer one to the other.
I have played both and currently prefer LOTRO. It ain't perfect but it is a solid game, has room to improve and a dev team that will be adding content more often than I've seen in WoW.
I'm sorry but ICO is the most overrated "sleeper" I've ever played. I just don't get why everybody gushes all over this game. But thats just my opinion.Naseru
Because not only is it a great game to play it is also a stunning game to look at...even now. I finsihed recently for the first time playing it through on my PS3. Fantastic game and SOTC was damn fine too ^_^
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