It's very good at what it does but it's not really my cup of tea tbh. I pay a sub for the otehr half to play it and I used to when it first launched but I got bored (thankfully).
much of the time there are only a small amount of people on a given server. only 1 if ANY cities are populated. ask anyone with an elder tag and they will tell you how bad the nge was/is, the game isnt even worth playing any more. i think they would have more luck reverting the whole game back to vanilla swg.Crucifier
Agreed. I went on last autmn and it was pretty much dead on teh Euro servers. NGE and CU killed it.
Well if Tenchu Z is anything like the first Tenchu but not as bad as the last few then yes I'll be looking forward to it :)
Tenchu 1 was the best. It sold me a PS1 and a few mates bought them when they saw how good it was. Then sadly it all seemed to go a bit wrong. Tenchu 2 was definitely the Driver 2 of the series. ie it felt like the original but they tried to add too much and it ended up as just bland :(
The oethr games too have sucked (not played the PSP version) and the horrible motion blur that they added as a feature so you can't see stealth kills really pissed me off.
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