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Fighting Sony in NAM part 2 series 4 book 45

It was dark, Me and major general commander lempenting where gathering the troops to stop Sony from harming the innocent people of NAM. NAM was a beautiful and pieceful place, but the spreading of lung cancer through Sony's evil cigars have caused the people to get ill, and the smoke eventually destroyed the bautiful land into a tense jungle. We struck first then we struck again from the back. Sony had no idea what was happening. High-commander yushusuki homomuse shinjuku XIII had tried to do a last second full frontal assault against major general commander lempentings army, trying to catch him off by surprise, and opening an escape route. But he was foiled. FOILED! A small private volunteered with 5 others to sneak fro behind on the other side, and as chickens cross roads, the rest was history. With Sony forces surrounded by japanese-name-guy-XIII, we had a chance to free NAM from the evil of Sony. To be continued....