Dokładnie. Też jestem dumny z naszej historii. A widziałeś jak jeden gość napisał, że Polska przegrała w 16 dni ? Przecież ZSRR zaatakował nas 17 ... I walczyliśmy dłużej niż Francuzi. But we should write in english( a język ten znam srednio ). Właściwie co to za strona , bo ja sie tu zarejestrowałem tylko , zeby wyrazić swoją opinię.?
Exactly Czort666. Poland fought alone with Germany and USRR. And later west countries left Poland and other east countries in dirty hands Stalin. Poland was an allien but lost war.
Hi. I from Poland and sorry for my english , but i very want say you my opinion. But first - somebody wrote " Poland lost with Germany in IIWW in 16 days ". It is not true. Poland fought 5 weeks ( 1st of September - 5th of Octomber ) so more longer France. And Poland attacked two countries - Germany and USRR ( 17 IX ). I think war is very possible. Russia attacked Georgia. But if you think Poland will be next you don't know good facts in east Europe. Next will be Azerbaijan , Ukraine , Belarus , Lithiua , Latvija and Estonia. Poland will be later. And in Poland people are sure NATO doesn't help us. And it is scared. Russia is a very big country and very strong. But now in Poland it's hope. USA want build in Poland rackets ( i don't know english name this rackets ) and give Polish Patriots. Its for polish very good. Because if Russia will attack Poland USA must help us. Why ? Because on our grounds will be localize american rackets , and if Russia will attack Poland will attack an american rackets. But west Europe countries shouldn't be scared. They will not help Poland. In IIWW Poland has got a military pact with France and UK. But this countries does not help us. Now will be similar. Because people from east Europe aren't important for France , Germany , UK. "THEY CAN DAY BUT WE MUST LIVE". That think this countries.-But okey. We don ' t need your help - but remember - history will account our countries. And again sorry for my english. If you will answer me- please not complicated leangue.
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