If like me, you remember the days when the idea of saving a game and coming back to it later was not an option then you’ll have fond memories of when games began using Memory Cards.
How different would it have been if you could have saved half way through a session of Mario Bros, only to be able to come back and carry on a few hours later. Back when the idea of saving a game first became common place it was greeted with high applause and now many years on when Hard Drives are becoming more common amongst home consoles, the Memory card still serves us well.
I remember an advert on the back of the Final Fantasy VII manual; it was for the Playstation Memory Card and offered the challenge of beating the game without one. I sure wouldn’t have been able to, and I don’t know anyone that has, although that said, someone has bound to have done it. Imagine gaming where once you died that was it, or you got ten minutes from the end and you suffer from a power outage, devastating.
They don’t ask for much and in return they give us the ability to go have some lunch, to go outside and the ability to have a game that lasts for many hours. Where would games be now without Memory Cards? We probably wouldn’t have games that last for twenty plus hours, no sir.
These days many of us overlook this little beauty that gives us so much, and offers a lot in return, so when you get two minutes alone with that little peripheral be sure to let it know just how thankful you are.