Aedelas / Member

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My wang is bigger than yours!

It’s not come to that level yet, but is this the way gamers will be communicating with each other?

Ok, first off I should perhaps take a few seconds to say that this article will have no discussions of wang’s or any other part of the human body, sorry to disappoint. 

Now that is out of the way, lets get down to business. 

We’ve all seen system wars and we have all seen the comments some of those “less gifted” than the average guy / gal make. 

Let’s get one thing straight, we are computer game players, well at least we use to be. Now I don’t confess to being an old school gamer but I did grow up with a NES controller in one hand a SMS controller in the other. Back in those days nobody cared about the console, nobody cared about how much graphics power the console had, but instead they cared about the games. 

I can remember arguments me and friends would have, it wouldn’t be because I had a SNES and he had Mega Drive, instead it was because he had Echo the Dolphin and I had Mario, that’s how it should be in my opinion. 

Now what do we get? I mean we hardly see the games even mentioned and considering we are on the eve of the beginning of the next generation, surely this is a sign that many of us so called gamers have lost our way? 

It seems that gamers of today are more concerned about processing chips, RAM and graphics power rather than the games. I mean what has gone wrong with so many of us? You know what a game is right, you know them little circular disks that you put in your boxes of high graphics power and so forth? 

Every day it seems that people are more than willing to bad mouth a console because of its technical specs, rather than the games. So on the eve of the next generation, take a step back and remember the games make the consoles, not the technical specs.