After the recent comments in which Nintendo claimed the Revolution would be a failure if it didn’t out sell the Gamecube I’ve seen all manner of comments being thrown around.
First off I think that the comment was not that of worry, but of confidence for the system on the whole. I mean its simple business sense to want to improve on your last product, and even with the N64 and GC I’ve not seen Nintendo get behind them in such a way as they have done with the Revolution.
But anyway, back to the question at hand, will the Revolution be able to outsell the Gamecube?
Myself I think yes, without a doubt it will, but there are some things that will help it along the way and some that could hinder it’s sales.
To start with I think the best decision Nintendo can do right now is put up the strongest line up they possibly can. This will go a long way into meeting their targets. It’s all rumoured that a Mario, Metroid and Super Smash Bro’s will be part of the launch and I can’t see no reason why not, but for me there is one game missing from the rumours that would seal my buy right here, right now.
Back in E3 we were shown a game for the Gamecube, yes you know the one I’m talking about, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Now at the time it was said that this game would be seeing an end of year release, which was great news, but as is the case with most games these days a delay was announced and the game put back to spring 2006.
Now, I own a Gamecube and do look forward to playing the game on my little purple block, but what I would enjoy more is playing it on my Revolution on launch day.
For me Zelda: TP would be one of the games that if available on launch day would see the Revolution really push ahead with the sales and hopefully (for Nintendo anyway) beat the Gamecube sales and try to make up some ground on the competition.
Sure it would almost devastating for a Gamecube owner, but I really do not see the logic in what would be releasing possibly one of the games of the year on a system which is pretty much dead (well by spring 2006 anyway) when you have a new console which could show of the game in all its glory and boast that one of the game of the year contenders is one of your launch titles (not sure if any GoTY winners have ever been launch titles?)
So, for me putting Twilight Princess as a launch title would definitely help the Revolution, not only in making up numbers on the Gamecube, but also on the ‘360 and PS3 (assuming the Rev will launch last.)
That’s my next point, this next generation will no doubt be one of the closest and toughest to date, and should Nintendo want to catch up on the market it has lost then it really does need to put its strongest business head on and act. I mean it’s all well and good promising a Revolution, but delivering on your word is another thing all together.
I do think the Rev will catch up with the ‘360 and PS3 but not perhaps for all the right reasons. Sure there will be those who right now side with Sony or Microsoft and will be buying the Revolution, while not currently owning a Gamecube.
But the other fact is that gamers on the whole are a rather fickle bunch and will have to own at least two of the next generation consoles, but here’s the interesting point. To me the ‘360 and PS3 are very similar consoles, where as the Revolution looks like the odd one out. What I do believe could happen is that owners of either a PS3 or ‘360 could find themselves also owning a Revolution. It could happen, but we’ll just have to wait and see, but if it does occur, then surely the Revolution would outsell the Gamecube.
I’ve sort of waffled a bit from the main point, but overall my verdict is: Yes it will outsell the Gamecube, why? Because Nintendo has learnt its lesson the hard way these last two generations.