Bought it because of the gamespot and other reviews.
Played it on PC... on january 2014.
I have been dismayed. My feelings were opposite of the current review.
Stealth and weapon accuracy, or gunplay, did not feel enjoyable at all.
Visuals also didn't look that great, and did not behave that well, even on high details. I had absolutely no lag on High Details (but could not play on higher details that than, or I would have); but the game, for the visuals, do not look as well made as other free games like Skyrim, or other storydriven FPS with large levels like Tomb Raider.
Although the game provides freedom, the visuals do not help that feeling, as landscapes and paths still feel a bit virtualized.
Spawns and spawn rates are illogical, and looting looked even broken (finding 2 bullets on enemies who could not even fire once their AKs? and being unable to loot their weapons?). Interactions is slightly awkward as you have to get very close to the corpses/weapons/elements you want to interact with.
But it's the gameplay, and gunplay, that really didn't feel that good.
The bullets don't look like connecting realistically to the targets.
Of course, when you play games like Hitman etc, you understand the gunplay is sometimes a bit "helped", and that you easily connect to critical areas. But here it is the opposite. The gunplay feels flawed.
Another major flaw is that we really do not feel related to the people we try to save. We don't know them, so we have a hard time caring about them. It is as if we should force ourselves to feel things.
Story-wise, also, voice acting is unequal among versions.
I had to switch to english voice acting, because french voice actors really felt dull.
English voice acting feels better, but then, people are just limited there to the f*** word, which is quite different than in french.
With a few exceptions, Vaas also didn't feel like anything else than an average punk. Sometimes I appreciated his acting, sometimes I just felt it dull and standard.
Far Cry 3 impressions to me when playing it on PC, was of an unbalanced, not so immersive game, with visuals that do not contribute to the gameplay, and one of the worst gunplay I've had in a FPS.
Note that I played it on Warrior (hard) difficulty.
I suppose I'd like an easier difficulty later, as it might fix the very bad & unrealistic spawn, ammo and enemy health issues that were encountered as well. This is especially true regarding wildlife for spawns and soldiers for enemy health.
Everything in the review is true, except a lack of development in the review about the multiplayer chapter.
Previously I didn't feel like coming to like the Tomb Raider license; playing an exxagerated girl with exxagerated moves and combo moves across linear tunnels wasn't my kind of thing. But this Tomb Raider title is nothing like it. This is an awesome game made by a passionate studio.
I played more than a thousand games, and I believe I could rate this one, in quality and addictivity of gameplay, above all the single-player FPS I have played. Whether you are a Tomb Raider fan, or one who doesn't like Tomb Raider usually, you should play it.
Lara is no longer an exagerated model ; she is a beautiful girl, but not unlike people you could meet in the street. The cameras and action don't focus on her body, and do not strip her all along; she is realistically modeled and filmed, standard-wise it's far above what you see in movies, and it doesn't detract you from the gameplay.
The story, moves, puzzles, combat, everything has a realism and logic to it in the game, much more than you can expect in your regular AAA movie or game. More, for instance, than you can find even in a game such as Metro Last Light. Except a curiosity about a lack of regular fear in our enemies, there is almost no jump, no action that could not be explained and sounds reasonable - which is quite a feat across 23 hours of my gametime.
No storydriven FPS game accomplished that feat, so far.
I see questions below from players: why are there so many so-and-so? no children? no woman? everything is explained; just play the game and think about the story.
You have some kind of freedom across many areas, and for the places where you haven't got much freedom, the surrounding environment is still full of life and details. You have lots of puzzles, but they are doable, they will only make you think for a few minutes.,
Actually the single-player features are astounding on this game, and well described in the review - except that it feels even better than the words being used there. Expect a game made by a passionate studio, and it shows.
Something is wrong or missing in the review though, and it's about multiplayer.
The multiplayer features are on par with FPS multiplayer-only games, meaning they are very comprehensive.
The MP games are played on their own maps, you have characters from each faction that you can upgrade, and lots of skins, weapons, powers, and weapon upgrades to unlock as well. The review just overviewed that in short comments, but you have interested fetch & capture modes.
But a thing I didn't expect the review to overview, was a serious problem in the multiplayer that currently 'breaks it' and turns it into a very uninteresting thing.
A disappointing note is that they completely forgot to fix a very obvious problem: you can create a private multiplayer game, be alone on a map, and score lots of experience points and materials to upgrade yourself. Alone. Without any bots. You can then upgrade yourself to top level (60), with all unlocks, all skins... everything. It's no surprise then, that so many people are level 60 around there.
Nevertheless, the game is ways satisfying enough in singleplayer.
Playing it to the end took me 23 hours, with a 88% exploration completion.
The game duration was very fair and I appreciated that.
But it's the gameplay that was awesome, ALL along these 23 hours ; I had no downtime in it, and in that, the game goes far, far above things like Uncharted (that bored me since it's first platform-puzzle action) or any regular story-driven FPS you might think of (yes, even Deus Ex Revolution, and of course ways above games like COD or Battlefield).
This really was a surprise to me.
Congratulations to the studio for an awesome job.
Thanks to their dedication to a great, playable and enjoyable gameplay, from beginning to end and in a 'long' storydriven game, I vote it 10/10, despite the major multiplayer flaw! It's not a note I gave previously, but they deserve it.
It might have turned me into a Tomb Raider fan... I hope the previous titles won't disappoint me too much ;)
The graphics on this game are more than serviceable or subpar. They have a very nice hand drawn feeling, and provide the very right ambiance. The dim 3D scenery, with the dark silhouettes of wolves and werewolves, are quite adequate too during combat.
I conclude myself that the ambiance is strengthened by more than adequate graphics and visuals ; which is far from the way it has been worded overall in the review. Of course this game, unlike some others, won't be bought for its screenshots; it is the gameplay that is very well thought, original and quite fitting to the game's theme. The reviewer has been right to put that forward, although I pretty much disagree with the focus put on the visuals (which are actually good, more than above average) during the review. Play a game without the dialogue and ambiance, and you would not feel it; Sang-froid needs that dialogue exchange, original dated visuals, hand-drawn feeling, to get its story shared.
I wanted to share this opinion of mine about this game; it is a very good game, a 8.5 / 10 on my book.
Wanted to add too that the french voices, which are in old canadian french, are very interesting to listen to for those who would be french players. I don't know what the english voices sound like, but the french ones are great.
Thank you for this review. I however disagree with it, and also with this score, so wanted to share my opinion.
Let's dive and see what happens in your reactions...
To begin, the game felt really good to me. It is available for free - no payment required, and already provided me many more feelings than the AAA titles.
It was the first FPS game where I had a chance at teaming - I mean really teaming - and us protecting each other. Teaming like, chatting, making plans, not knowing what to expect.
I mean, come on. In other FPS games (cursed CoD, cursed BF, etc) people only get shots at people, possibly from the most hidden place etc. Other FPS games have always been far, so far from the early experiences I had in counterstrike beta stage, where I could have momentum, chat with enemies and allies alike, we even got to "know" each other. That was something I had hoped to find again, but no luck, other games only provided crap in that respect.
I was beginning to believe that the "FPS communities" just shifted to get all crappy and lacking respect.
WarZ (Survivor Stories) was the first game to provide me again with a nice situation. Better than a MMORPG community situation, even, even more given that I was on a free server.
So, it was my first run, it was on a trial server (free version), so maybe it was... luck ? or maybe regular servers are more spawned. Also, I picked a low population server, on purpose.
I was on a free trial account, server was Colorado 2. I saw a quick live broadcast of a game, that interested me into it, so I knew I had to take care out there. But I still got the creeps at the very first minute. Having played a realistic FPS game before (World War 2 Online) I knew I had to use every kind of shadow and cover, but wow... zombies sure are scary. You hear them - at night, I located where to strike or the direction to face from the sounds, even ; it was a strong moment.
But let's get back ; so I was a total noob. As a "newb", I began to get in touch in global chat with a few other survivors. One of them immediately gave me a few advice ; turn my flashlight off ; yes, it can also be used as a weapon ; and get out of points of interest fast! Also, i got advised to avoid the town named Smallville. Player Killers are "bandits", and I indeed saw that one fifth of the current users were branded as outlaws; and these were rumored to be there.
After a while, I met my first zombies, near a downed chopper. I did not dare attack them. This game is really scary, so I was totally believing a flashlight wasn't a relevant weapon to attack four or more military zombies. But I was still thirsty, and without supplies.I continued my travel to another place, while still chatting a bit with other survivors.
After some more minutes, the players I was talking to were really friendly. They eventually invited me.
We were three. We drafted a plan to meet up ; I traveled south to the closest of them. Always I checked the map, the time of day, and my surroundings. At times I dug in shadow, at times I ran. Once we met in a house, he helped me freely with a soda - my character was thirsty to death already - and we discussed about how to meet with the last of our group, our most experienced player as it seemed, a true survivor named "Axe" something. The player helped me with a melee weapon, and we went off.
Just some minutes after, bang! our veteran player got killed, in Smallville, by PKs. He left us a few words, before being sent back. Means a super survivor down.
And by then, we were still far from the place.
Night was coming, we were low on food and water, we had no real weapon. Things were looking dim.
I asked my teammate: "what's the plan now?" ;
He replied: "We turn south. At least there, we don't know what to expect."
That was damn right. Both players were smiling, and scared to death. We moved south.
There, we fought a number of zombies. Protected each other side by side. We found written notes too, in one of the houses.
After some time covering each other, fighting with clubs, exploring houses at night, what was due to happen, happened; as I was badly hurt, my friend tried to cover me more, and as he was walking backwards and holding three zombies, he hit a tree. He was in a so bad situation I risked myself again. I eventually died from this last zombie attack.
The 15 minutes cooldown - it is 15 minutes, not one hour! - reminded me that it was 1 AM here at home, so I logged out.
So, the true facts from the review:
- some technical bugs; I had three computer crashes (big ones), meaning one about every 20 minutes.I hope I'll be able to take these out by fine tuning the options.
- yes, there are player killing, and zombies too. Give me the creeps all the time!
- web based games already had things like PKs taking loot from players, but also just as did Everquest MMO of old on PVP servers (yes, stinking fireball-shooting pvp gnomes... ;) ) ... this is a pve/pvp environment with looting allowed, just like many mmo pvp games of old. This does not surprise me, but people have to be warned. I just think the reviewer took it as a surprise whereas the open world here also includes the pvp aspect. I really think the review is off mark with such score and opinion about this.
A few facts look quite exagerated from the version we have now.
The game deserves a better score.
My experience was far better than what other FPS provided to me.
I hope players will still come to this title, and enjoy it.
And after all - it's free ;) - free account and servers. Only one character slot, but it's fine as it is, I would say.
Aekar's comments