@Argle: Orgrim, like Durotan, refused to drink the demon blood of Mannoroth. He was also against the needless slaying of the Draenei. Like most loyal orcs he served his clan's leader, Blackhand, who through Gul'dan's manipulations was now also Warchief of all the Horde. But he did not approve of Gul'dan's manipulation and corrupting. When Gul'dan became incapacitated he rose up and slew Blackhand, assumed leadership of the Horde, and ultimately destroyed Gul'dan's Shadow Council. That's one of Blizzard's versions of the lore anyway ;)
What 'evil' orc Orgrim? One of the key plot elements in this movie is that neither side is shown as good or evil. That fits with the pre-existing lore as well. Orgrim was one of the most noble orcs. Stereotype much?
The problem is not actually 'always on', it is 'be online or don't play'. I've had my share of internet outages and one of the things that kept me busy during the wait time was playing games. But the biggest problem may be the attitude of, "Just deal with it." That worked out really well for Sony last go around, didn't it.
Aelina's comments