Time to get blog-o-rific. Clearly, you can see that I'm fairly new to this site. My big brother introduced me to it. Just what I need, another social networking site to get addicted to. :roll: And yet, here I am, so I'll try to contribute something meaningful. Let's see... Well, I really do love gaming. I wish I had more time to do it. Right now I play World of Warcraft and my DS games. I'm also a fan of old school Sega Dreamcast games... they rock. ^_^ However, above video games, I love anime and manga. My current favorites are Fullmetal Alchemist, Trinity Blood and Nana. My sentimental favorite will always, always be Gundam Wing. And the best part about Gundam? There are plenty of great games to go with the various series. Like MS Saga, which pretty much rocks my face off. ^.^
Aeris_Eithne Blog
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