It is likely more akin of Deadline by Infocom - the first sleuthing adventure. I haven't found much motivation to get into Portopia myself (I've known about the english patch for a while), but the introduction, or rather the lack of one, doesn't hint at much beyond a routine exercise, the streamlined interface might or might not have been sufficient for what the game set out to do - of course, there weren't many options in converting the game to console, but that's a concern of mine, that something would've been left out in the conversion. And the images for the locations look like they were drawn by a 5-year old kid. :(
Have you played Deja Vu for the NES? If not, maybe that'd be a better place to start?
So technically unsophisticated, yet after all these years I find the soundtrack - exclusive to the NES-version - most memorable.
Well, I'm pretty much never gonna touch Portobia again. I read awhile back that one of its merits for the time was its twist ending, and ever since then I've been contemplating how a "twist" would be set up in an early 80's text-based game. It was in the back of my head as I played the first 10 minutes of it. And now that I accidently found out who the culprit is via a troll spoiler thread on Gamefaqs, I can tell you that the twist that was in the back of my head was confirmed. It's so obvious.
If you haven't played it yet by all means go ahead. But I think it'll become obvious for you as well once you dig into it. And LOL! @ the 5-year-old comment. I was thinking the same! It was done on an MSX Paint editor I bet, reminds me of the drawings we used to do on a PC back in pre-school.
Thanks for the info on Deja Vu, I'll give that a go instead. Looks and sounds much more interesting. Plus it's got sequels to complete if I think the first is worth completing.
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