Let's face it people, Sonic games in 3D work as they were envisioned back in the 2D era only when he's played in the vain of "Day Levels" ala Sonic Unleased. I always get stumped when I see Sonic walking around in a wide 3D area ala Sonic Adventure. I always tell myself "This isn't Sonic, just get me to those speed/rail-griding levels quick please!".
Yet, I'm always finding myself looking back fondly on my game time after recently completing 3D Sonic games (except Sonic Heroes, couldn't stomach it). The funny thing about this is that I never owned a Sega console until the Saturn, and the first Sonic game I played from start to finish was 3D Blast, and I only knew of his games through gaming magazines (pre-internet era) and hearing my friends talking about it and some gameplay videos here and there on TV. I also gamed a bit with my cousin on 2-Player mode with his copy of Sonic 3 at one time, but that doesn't count as Sonic experience.
So, why do I keep looking forward to future Sonic games and feel nostalgic whenever his 2D games are brought up? The fondness is surprisingly not stemming from the games themselves, but actually the character itself. Remember, it wasn't just the games back then during his 16-bit prime, he was everywhere. Cartoons, books, toys, clothes, watches, you name it. His image pretty much invaded my childhood, especially the first syndicated cartoon.
To summarize, I believe his current appeal and a big chunk of his dedicated fanbase praise him mostly for the nostalgia and not the quality of recent games. He's just a symbol of fond memories and better days for Sega to many, including myself. Younger fans who weren't old enough to experience his games back in his prime turned to fandom thanks to the creation of Sonic X's universe, story arcs and their characters. That's my 2 cents anywho.
P.S. Sonic Generations is the best gaming anniversary package in video game history. Though, it boggles my mind why Ice Cap Zone was left out. Michael Jackson's involvement/copyright issue is my guess.
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