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dmc 3 hell yeah

Just got my hands on it today and i must say it's one of the best games i've ever played, the gameplay is fast and bloody fun. I wonder why they put so much "whooohooo, yeeehhaaa , wooooo" in Dantes dialogue, it makes him sound retarded, but who cars the characters are cool and the game rocks. Specially the L1+triangle with those ice nunchucks is WILD!!

Back to College

Ok today wasn't so bad, all the teachers were off in some meeting and we didn't have to take all the classes. Finally got the internet up and running over here, what a relief. On my laptop i have naught to play except silent hill 4, and that has to be the most pointless game on the planet. Upstairs my friends are playing silent hill 3 and they love it. Tastes, as always. Next week, i have GOT to remember to get some info on the cameras, and get a haircut as well. Oh and don't forget KOTOR II.

Damn spyware

Damnit nowadays it's a super risk just to go online after a fresh install of xp... specially that stupid sasser worm tripemonger... Remember! Just go to the downloads center and manually download the updates so next time you don't even have to go online to get your computer updated! Hmm, but there is this thing called a DSO exploit that just keeps on popping up, i wonder how the hell i have to get rid of it permanently. Tenchu : Fatal Shadows gets a 6.2 or something? Damn, i know the game was annoying but i guess it was still ok for tenchu fans like me. And yes the Camera Angles were very annoying but compared to MGS 3 your ability to look behind corners was much much better, hence lesser frustration. And i wonder how i'd even avoid the enemies if they were smart :p. Just get spotted once and that's it, play from the beginning... as if i didn't have to do that already even without the "smart AI". I thought the game wasn't so bad, not for tenchu overs anyway.

19/02/05 - Decisions

Ok now that i have the cash it's either the Camera or the Videocard... but i've thought about it and since i don't want to go pci E yet i'll just stick to PS2 gaming for now... As for Cameras, this country i live in doesn't give me a lot of choices, but after browsing all over the place i think a nikon 4100 will do good for a novice like me... i wanted to go for the 5060 but that's way outta my league. Ideal would be the Canon Powershot A75 but unfortunately no canons in this country. Muharram is in full effect, hopefully nobody'll hurt himself. MUST PLAY: 1) HL2 2) Riddick 3) KOTOR 2 4) FFX-2 (Finish it) 5) Suikoden 3 (Almost there)

18/02/05 - Wild RMS 3

Dunno why i like this game but anyway i'm enjoying it so far, the story is nice but actually i really like the anime touch... must be the same reason why i loved xenogears. The directions the peeps gave were frustrating as hell, so i'm ashamed to admit i actually went and got an faq and copied the list of the coordinates of every single little place on the map... And trust me some of the places i had to find would have taken me AGES otherwise...

16/02/05 - The Grudge

16/02/05 Just watched the Grudge with my friends... had to say the SFX were nice but the movie just became sorta repetitive after a while.. and it did have a "The Ring" feeling to it.