Aero_X360 / Member

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Achievement Unlocked : Detonate your computer

This isnt helping; first, I boxed up my Xbox 360.. but got addicted to my PC because I found some cool new websites, like Omegle. And 2 weeks ago, I tried to stop this before it got out of hand, and so, I boxed up my PC as well. And... yep, I couldnt resist; took it back out again and wasted a few more precious days with which I could have studied on.

Now, after boxing and unboxing my PC forlike 7 or 8 times, I have made my decision; DESTROY MY PC.

This is for my own good. I am sorry PC, you have served me well, but I have commitments to make, and you are getting in my way. I am going to delete all the core Windows files, that would bring you down to your feet, and format the entire C HDD, which will once and for all, leave you in peices.

Goodbye PC. Your successor will be due in 2 months; a new mid-spec original set. Until then, R.I.P. : [