Today is a DAMN SWEET DAY! Why? Cause today I got to visit my cousin's! And he just shifted, so I got to see his new house! It certainly has to be by far one of the best houses I've set foot in.... maybe its just me... I'm not much ofa looker.. lol.
And I also found out that the PS3 Slim is due soon. Damn. And Gran Turismo 5 releases this year... ahh.
Either way, the Xbox 360 isnt gonna die any time soon. Its Microsoft's ONLY profitable product for now; they arent gonna let Sony get ahead of them. I am predicting Holiday '09 is gonna be one of the BEST, most competitive Holiday season yet; with the PS3 with GT5 and its Slimline brother and the Xbox 360, with Zune HD,, Facebook .. all that.
But EVERYBODY knows, that the PS3/Wii can NEVER..EVERbest the might of Xbox LIVE. It was simply meant to be that way. PS3 gets ahead with HD, thanks to Blu Ray, and Xbox 360 gets the world's best Online service all for itself, Xbox LIVE. And I dont even know how to begin with the Wii... lol
Well, other than that, nothin much to blog, until October 13th. Peace.