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AfterAscon Blog

R'turn to Form.

Since I started Uni i havent really be able to do much since i have a lot of work to do, thusthis has lead to a massive drop in the time i spend on playing games. In a way this could be sonsidered a shame since i'll probably never get around to playing games like Okami, and also never getting aournd to completeing Kingdom Hearts 2 ( I started in at the end of september and its now almost mid-november)

Anyway when i do have some free time i can usually be found playing on Battlefield 2142, remember i was wondering about this game in an early blog entry. So way the game is very enjoyable, much easier than Battlefield 2, which i got two weeks prior to BF2142. Points are so much easier t come by which makes ranking up to easy in my opinion. They should of left the rank boudries at the same levels as BF2, and all the new ranks would of just built on top from there. However stats aren't really important, i just like them as a record of how well i do, its nothing i'll slit my wrists over. The one new thing i love about BF2142 is Titan mode, i've been playing battelfield 2142 for a fair few hours and most 90% of it has been spent here, in comparsion conquest is dull.

If anyone wishs to find me, my username on BF2142 or BF2 is AfterAscon. 

Crimes against dynamic-contrast

When i had my old TV back in January, a week before i was scheduled to get an xbox 360, the TV decided to die on me. Since i was getting a 360 it seemed appropriate to a HD TV, which i did. In the period between now and then, I’ve always thought that the games I’ve played were awfully dark, but since the games I’ve been playing were mostly on the 360 i believed it to be part of the game, dynamic lighting and the rest, so i accepted it as the normal.
Now, i decided to play Elder Scroll III: Morrowind on my xbox, with a brand new controller s to boot. So as i was playing it suddenly became night after resting and bloody hell was it dark, i couldn't see anything. It certainly wasn't this dark when i played on my old TV. This had to be sorted out, i had tried it once before for the 360 but no success. Today was different i stumbled across a new option, which the title may give away, anyway it was dynamic contrast. Despite the name it does no such thing, it does make bright sections darker, but it also makes dark areas even darker, WTF?!

Conclusion, it has been disabled and now I’m enjoying my games the way they were supposed to seen. 


With the announcement of E3 being downsized a while back a lot of people who no real reason seemed to be getting upset; you just have to look at the facts to see it’s a very good decision. Most people wouldn't of been able go to E3 anyway so why they are complaining is beyond me, “but it’s the biggest spectacle for gaming." All these reasons were covered by the initial reports, the size of E3 is no longer necessary. Its purpose was to draw attention to the gaming industry back when it was small and no one really cared. These days things have changed lots of people are aware of the gaming industry, coupled with more gaming shops and controversy in the paper the industry will probably become self supporting, with the help of sites like GameSpot freely dispensing such information. Anyway E3 is no longer necessary, at least now the games companies can spend their time creating their games, rather than creating elaborate CGI movies which just disillusion gamers every year and cause so many arguments online.

Recently I came to discover a game called Battlefield 2142. I know this isn’t exactly the most recent news to come from the game industry but this game really interests me. Currently I don’t play a lot of PC games at home, that’ll probably change when I go to Uni, since I’ll be getting a desktop PC to do my work on, I might as well as add some thing interesting to the system and currently this is top of the contenders. From here I will probably make my first voyage into online gaming (coupled maybe with Xbox live) since I haven’t really been able in the past. I am aware of such games of Battlefield 2: modern combat (or whatever it was called) I played a demo of it on the Xbox, and from what I played it was highly enjoyable but not much point getting it as I would only play offline, pretty pointless for a game where its make purpose is to be played online. Battlefield 2142 seems to capture everything I liked from BF2 and built upon, titan mode especially, can’t wait to play this game.

Still playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, just past the 32 hour point in my new save, completed the arena and the Dark brotherhood quest lines, just started the fighters guild, still near the beginning of the thieves guild (getting my sneak skill high: currently at 88 ) and I’ve getting near the end of the mages guild. I haven’t even begun to look at the main quest line, which is quite ridiculous since my level is 20, which is just going to make it surprisingly difficult when trying to battle Daedra. I blame the amount of side quests which keep distracting me, curse my good nature and need to help everyone…

Back to Oblivion.

I got bored playing Eternal Darkness, it was a good story, though the gameplay was as dull as dishwater, i was seriously losing the will to live. It was fun exploring all of the different locations, and for a while it also quite good how you get to re-visit locations and to see how they have changed over time, but essentially you were running back and forth down the same corridors over and over again. And just when you though you escaped you later return to run back and forth down the corridors with added cobwebs, not enjoyable after a while.

From here i left the Eternal Darkness alone and jumped back into Oblivion (The Elder Scrolls). Started a new file, deleted my old file (good bye 85 hours of my life). Oblivion is an amazing game with so much to see and do you could spend forever playing, i know i barely did anything in my last file. I'm determined to find everything, and this time i won't be put off by shoddy gameplay because oblivion is a dream to play and some of the best graphics on a console. True eye candy.

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Back in the day when it was first release I heard lots of good things about it, but not being a horror (because I’m a coward), i often avoid these types of games. So anyway one day i decided to buy it ...
Now fast forward to now and I've had this game for a while now, bought it cheap pre-owned for about £9. Played it for a bit originally but got scared **** by the scene in the bathroom (I won't forget this silicon Knights! Mark my words...), and so i put it down again.

The other day i was bored with no real desire to play any of my other games i was kind of looking through my collection and rediscovered Eternal Darkness. So i got up the courage to play it again because I heard it had a great story.
I'm currently about four hours in and about to start chapter 7. My initial thoughts of this game seemed to be wrong, I’ve re-done the bath scene and it wasn't that great to be honest, and I’ve found that to be true with the rest that I’ve played. It hasn't been that scary, or challenging, which comes as a slight disappoint. None-the-less the story in the game is top notch, and that keeps me motivated to play. Since none of the other aspect of the game enthrall me too much, with its dire and seemingly clunky game play, running back wards and forwards collecting items and cutting off zombie’s heads, it really it’s that interesting.

Anyway i digress, it is a quality game so far, great story and to be honest the game play is good enough to still make the game enjoyable. I have kept this little post short so not to encroach on any spoilers.