Back in the day when it was first release I heard lots of good things about it, but not being a horror (because I’m a coward), i often avoid these types of games. So anyway one day i decided to buy it ...
Now fast forward to now and I've had this game for a while now, bought it cheap pre-owned for about £9. Played it for a bit originally but got scared **** by the scene in the bathroom (I won't forget this silicon Knights! Mark my words...), and so i put it down again.
The other day i was bored with no real desire to play any of my other games i was kind of looking through my collection and rediscovered Eternal Darkness. So i got up the courage to play it again because I heard it had a great story.
I'm currently about four hours in and about to start chapter 7. My initial thoughts of this game seemed to be wrong, I’ve re-done the bath scene and it wasn't that great to be honest, and I’ve found that to be true with the rest that I’ve played. It hasn't been that scary, or challenging, which comes as a slight disappoint. None-the-less the story in the game is top notch, and that keeps me motivated to play. Since none of the other aspect of the game enthrall me too much, with its dire and seemingly clunky game play, running back wards and forwards collecting items and cutting off zombie’s heads, it really it’s that interesting.
Anyway i digress, it is a quality game so far, great story and to be honest the game play is good enough to still make the game enjoyable. I have kept this little post short so not to encroach on any spoilers.