Since I started Uni i havent really be able to do much since i have a lot of work to do, thusthis has lead to a massive drop in the time i spend on playing games. In a way this could be sonsidered a shame since i'll probably never get around to playing games like Okami, and also never getting aournd to completeing Kingdom Hearts 2 ( I started in at the end of september and its now almost mid-november)
Anyway when i do have some free time i can usually be found playing on Battlefield 2142, remember i was wondering about this game in an early blog entry. So way the game is very enjoyable, much easier than Battlefield 2, which i got two weeks prior to BF2142. Points are so much easier t come by which makes ranking up to easy in my opinion. They should of left the rank boudries at the same levels as BF2, and all the new ranks would of just built on top from there. However stats aren't really important, i just like them as a record of how well i do, its nothing i'll slit my wrists over. The one new thing i love about BF2142 is Titan mode, i've been playing battelfield 2142 for a fair few hours and most 90% of it has been spent here, in comparsion conquest is dull.
If anyone wishs to find me, my username on BF2142 or BF2 is AfterAscon.