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My Favourite Games of All-Time: #8-5

Oh snap, getting into the top 5! :shock:

8. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Lets forget the Zelda Cycle for a minute and think about this. Twilight Princess is most well-rounded Zelda game, ever. Not counting the slow opening it also possesses the best pacing in the game. Sure, it has some flaws like an empty over-world, the horrible Twilight Palace dungeon and the fight with Zant. Other than that, it's the closest Zelda games have ever come close to perfection. Most people won't agree with me on this choice but it's okay, they'll realize once Skyward Sword releases.

7. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Prior to 2010 I had never played a Metroid game before. Yeah...let that sink in for a minute. So, when I purchased my Wii I also got the Metroid Prime Trilogy. It's a toss-up between Prime and Echoes but I'm going with Echoes by a sliver. The Metroid Prime games totally changed my perspective on what is possible in a video game and how effortlessly they blend narrative and gameplay. The crushing feeling of being alone in an alien planet adds more tension than any survival horror game can hope to achieve. Cutscenes are kept to an absolute minimum and it adds SO much more to the experience. Take notes Kojima. Satisfying gunplay, intricate level designs, absolutely brilliant styIe and some boss battles that make God of War blush. Oh yeah, and the soundtrack and light/dark elements are something I really love in this game.

6. Super Mario Galaxy

I can't decide between this or the sequel so I'm going to chose the original for the impact. Super Mario Galaxy is another game that I was late on. I never really cared for 3D Mario games. I liked Sunshine but was indifferent to 64. Galaxy has a sprinkle of magic dust in just about anything in the game. It's hard to describe but the level design, tight platforming, and orchestral soundtrack come together to literally create a moving picture book. It's whimsical, it's wonderful, and it makes you feel like a kid again. Super Mario Galaxy is quite possibly the greatest game Nintendo ever made and will ever make.

5. Bayonetta

You want to touch me?! Hey look, another Kamiya game! Simply put, Bayonetta is one of those special games that make me think "Wow, there is no other medium but video games where this would have worked". The gameplay is sublime and seriously king of it's genre. Bayonetta doesn't just fight, she dances around her enemies and make them looks silly. The first cutscene in the cemetery is a testament to this and also one of the best introductions ever in gaming. Bayonetta herself is a hilarious character with a human side at times.There is a ton of content and I admit the game isn't for everyone. If you're a srs bsns gamer that considers Heavy Rain and Metal Gear Solid 4 as the "pinnacle of storytelling" you're not going to like this game. Even an absolute gem like Bayonetta has some rough edges like the difficulty is too easy and I hated the save system. All in all, it's the best game in it's genre by a great deal and if PlatinumGames or Hideki Kamiya are able to top this game

One more blog to go! The Final Four!