Sooo i was ready to turn on my 360 to play some Team Fortress 2 or Half Life 2.. and guess what happened???? I got the freakin RING OF DEATH!!! damnit now i gotta wait a month to be able to play my 360 again.. I've had my 360 for a year now and nothing happened to it until now..
How much does that suck?? damn but oh well what can u do about a crap system that does that.. But i did just get back from Florida and bought a PS3 but left it in florida and i didnt even get a chance to play it yet since i got it on black friday and got Assassins Creed for it.
Now i got all 3 system the 360 (broken) PS3 and the Wii.. but have the 360 here in chicago but the others back in florida =/ so i'm stuck with nothing really gayyyy.. but oh well what can u do??