This Tv season was an interesting one. A couple of my favorite shows had good seasons. I found a new favorite show. A new show that I was starting to like didn't last long. Here are some of my thoughts on this past season.
Two networks became one. UPN and The WB became the CW. I didn't watch a lot of UPN when it existed but WWE Smackdown was one of my favorite shows on that network. I don't have cable so I can't watch it on the CW. I am out of the loop when it comes to the WWE. I am a big fan of the WWE and have bought every WWE game that was on the PS2. A new network took UPN's spot, My Network TV. Is it just me or is that network trying too hard to appeal to every demographic? When it started, It would show 2 prime time soaps 5 nights a week. I actually sat down and watched a episode of Desire,one of those shows. All I know about that show is that 2 guys were fighting over a girl and hiding from mobsters. The girl looked hot so I can totally understand why the dudes wanted her. As the year progressed,My Network TV also started to show Mixed Martial Arts,Movies,beauty pagents,and shows about celeberties. I think it is a strange mix of programs.
All of my favorite shows had great epsodes. I thought this season of NCIS was great but the finale didn't feel like a finale. CSI: NY had some good episodes. It featured guest appearances from big names like John Macenroe and Nelly Fertato. The season finale of CSI: NY was my favorite of all the season finales I saw this season. CSI had one of the best on-going storylines of any TV show, The Mininature KIller. It was a great story invovling a killer who left models of the crime scene by each victim. CSI also featured a cool new character, Keppler. He was a cool, mysterious character but he won't be back. I don't want to spoil the reason why he won't be back so if you want to know, PM me or look it up yourself. The 3rd season of House was a good one and proves that show is one of the best shows on TV now. My favorite season 3 episode of House was Airborne or as I call it "House on a plane". It had a lot of great moments. Survivor: Fiji was good but not the best season of Survivor. I like the twist of 2 immunity idols. I am glad that Earl won. Yau-Man was an interesting person and one of my favorite castaways of the season.
A lot of new shows came on the air but a few didn't make it. The biggest new hit is probably Heroes. I work on Mondays so I didn't get a chance to see it. The plot seems interesting. Shark became one of my favorite shows. Sebastian Stark is a cool character and like House, has some great quotes. I don't uderstand why Martin had to die. I thought he was a good character. Jerri Ryan also delivers a great performance in every scene she is in. Vanished didn't last long. It vanishedLOL!!!. Justice was a interesting show but it got cancelled. That show had potential in my opinion but Fox doesn't know good shows when they see one. Nathan Fillon's lastest show ,Drive, only lasted 2 episodes. Like Heroes,It looked interesting but I work on Mondays.
Those are my thoughts of TV in 06-07.