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I'm pathetic...

Okay this isn't some self pity trip or a plea for attention. No, this is my self critique of my gaming accumen, I've come to the conclusion that I'm pathetically hopeless at games. Seriously, like in most games, the average person would pick it up and automatically try it on hard mode, but me, I punk out and take the very easiest difficulty. It's not because I can't do the harder setting I just feel "safer" (for want of a better word) playing on the easier setting. Seriously, every game I've played including COD, MGS4, KZ2, Uncharted, ME, Bioshock and Fallout. All of these games were first attempted on the easiest setting, the only reason I deviate from this process is for the sake of trophies.

It's not that I don't like challenging myself because I do, infact I'm more suited to harder difficulties as easy are not challenging enough. It then comes to the stage that I get so used to theeasy modeswhere I think, well easy is less stressful so I'll play that, then when I come to do a game on the hardest setting e.g COD on veteran it just seems like a ridiculous leap in difficulty.

Ok, so the thing that made me blog this is Killzone 2, I played it first on the easiest setting and seriously, in some places I found it relatively difficult. However when I devised a strategy it was ok. Next I went on to play the game on Elite (big jump right?), unlike other games Killzone 2 doesnt just make more enemies, with more grenades, whilst reducing your health. It changes the difficulty but it makes playing the game more realistic. i.e in a real gun fight, you get shot once, it really effin hurts, therefore if you get shot 4 times your likely to die, this is how Killzone 2 on elite is. I don't have a problem with this, where my lack in ability fails me, i rely on instinct and common sense to keep me alive, such as the use of cover, flanking and using grenades to push through the enemy ranks.

This method has taken me very far, infact its gotten me to the final checkpoint, on the final mission of the game. I'm literally minutes away from completion. This is where my problem begins (slight spoilers ahead).

Without giving too much away, suffice to say that its near impossible to deploy the previously mentioned tactics, wave after wave of enemies spawn in a relatively confined area and at certain points they're spawning from all angles, this makes finding cover very, very hard. If you take cover at the front, the frontal wave kills you, and if you take cover near the back, the back wave torches you with flamethrowers. Anyone whose attempted the last level knows what I'm talking about. Anyway, basically I tried for like two hours to get past the very first checkpoint in the final section of the mission, so far I've not once managed to get on to the balcony.

This is why I suck.

Please can someone, anyone help me before I frag myself!