Or kill 'em before anyone else has a chance of hurting them.
We aren't slaves, since slaves aren't given the chance to choose, but I really thought all this Data mining stuff was history with the list of reverts they did with this controversial piece of Tech.
Didn't we, the Internet, already kick up a shit storm about this Data Mining stuff? I take it by announcing it...again, that it's a mandatory option?
The EULA that the majority of us claim to read but never do (I read it once while I was mildly high) could totally force us to allow this to happen without really wanting it since you either agree to everything listed below or you're not allowed to play.
After they reportedly dropped the majority of things that made me not want to get this console, it's still a wee bit disheartening to see that they are still going full steam with this 'Kinect' crud that the majority of us gamers don't want.
I'm not going to go on any long winded rant about privacy and all that jazz, but as an avid consumer of console gaming I'm very dissapointed to have one of the major pillars of this next gen platform be pulled out from under me since I plan not to get this thing solely on what this Kinect is capable of doing.
I never thought that the day would come when I, a person who never pirates (Videogames atleast.) or modifies consoles in order to play games has to now wait until the hacker community gets a hold of this Tech and manages to get this thing running with out this foolishness on.
True, but I and most everyone arguing and 'whining' against this plan to combat it as much as we can by not purchasing this unwanted device that pretty much turns your gamespace into a 1984 Worker party livingroom. :(
The more I read about this stuff the more I'm convinced that I'm going to be gaming in a post apocalyptic fallout era of console gaming as the hapless survivor who somehow manages to eek out his daily existence by living rigidly by his own self serving rules of being.
While I know I'm already goin' to be using this 'always on with the Kinect watchin' you fap like a 1984 telescreen' console with a mask on at all times whilst the kinect's camera points to the wall behind my television that has a sign that says "**** you, Microsoft"......I'd have no problem NOT buying used games if after a period of time older games drop to a reasonable price in which I'm willing to pay for 'em.
I won't be buying cheap, bad, games in order to pad my gamerscore and slake my curiosity for infamously bad titles in bulk, but as long as I'm not seeing ANY game past a year old being sold for more than 40 dollars, brand new I'm golden.
So this is set in stone? This always online rubbish? Without an Internet Connection my system won't FUNCTION.
If I lose connection for any reason, mainly due to the fact that I live in a geographic location that hasn't a top notch ISP and is quite shoddy and overpriced by the common standard, then I'm boned and my system will stop letting me play whatever game I bought to play on it.
I'll buy it on launch day because I've the means to do it and give it an honest to goodness trial run until the New Year, if I'm hampered by my connection and the restrictions from not having this thing online all the time to function as mentioned I'm selling it and sticking with my Ps4 (Of which I'll buy on launch as well) and take my next gen business over to Sony exclusively.
I had an interesting argument on another thread in regards to microtransactions not being a problem to anyone not wanting to deal with them since games are completed and shipped WITHOUT everything you need to play, enjoy and beat it with.
I never thought about DLC locked onto a disc (Can we even call it that?) being used in a way where one would have to pay to get certain critical aspects of the game either by story or mechanic function. Now this is just me musing, but shit like this is just scary all around.
I really don't get why people are so up in arms about Microtransactions. Seriously.
They either go two ways. You are either aware of 'em through whatever announcement or marketing they show you in the game (Black Ops 2's Camo guns, GOW Character skins and gun camo) and don't impact the way you play the game AT ALL. It's not necessary for you to get 'em and you can just pass 'em straight.
Until they start doing the second Microtransaction type that forces you to purchase key items or material to forward the game along, then you can toss me on the pile of Micro Transaction haters too since this isn't a choice, it's a requirement.
Agent_Yevon's comments