Well yesterday me, along with a few friends, made the Aut Vincere Aut Mori union. Right about now you are probly wondering what the heck "aut vincere aut mori" means, well for starters its latin. Now for anyone out there who speaks latin, if the name is in any way wrong, grammar...spelling, I don't care. The name means, according to the site I got it from, "Either Conquer or Die".
In other news, matrixman313 has posted a very unfair poll on the union's board. Once you look at it you'll probly see why, or at least you'll see why I thought it was unfair. I'll also probly be continuing my exhilerating video series "Watching Buddha" where the unfortunate sap who looks at it gets to watch a little brass figure of Buddha do absolutely nothing in various environments. I'm well aware that I only have one episode so far, and I'm aware that a series usually comprises more than one episode. So don't make any stupid comments regarding that. Out...:twisted: