Pre ordering is the way to go!!
by Ahmbert on Comments
I just pre ordered Xenosaga 2 with the limited edition stradegy guide and also GT4 with the stradegy guide for a little over 100$ and I get free shipping plus a bunch of cool special items with each purchase!With the xenosaga game I get a dvd containing 4 1/2 hours of xenosaga 1 movies!Also the stradegy guide was originally 25$ but I got 10$ off when I bought the game and the strad. guide together!THe same happened with GT4!I will be picking up xenosaga 2 on the 15th and GT4 on the 23rd(hopefully)!I will be really busy trying to finish xenosaga 2 before I have to start my new school!When I get the games I will make a new enrty telling how the game is so far so look forward to that!