Ok so both these games were were all right but nothing great!I beeat Musashi but (as most of you know)I messed up on Y's!Musashi Samurai Legend to me was not in- depth enough!The storyline was pretty boring and bland!I have to say the look of the game was pretty cool though!I really havent played many games that look similar exept kingdom hearts and tales of symphonia(looks more like tos then Kh.)!The actual gameplay of musashi was pretty annoying though!The lock on system was dumb cause it would lock on and off all the time when I was holding R1,and also musashi has a really slow run!When your trying to avoid a huge attack by running back you always get hit cause musashi is soooo slow!Those aspects of the gameplay really got on my nerves!I loved the music for musashi!It really fit the games atmosphere!The worst thing in the game had to be the voice overs though!They sounded as if the actors were just reading off a piece of paper really slowly!Musashi's voice actor was extremely bad too!One of the biggest points in games to me have to be towards the voice-overs!If they suck,the game sucks in my opinion!Well all together Musashi Samurai Legend was just another game I can say I beat!It won't stick in my head as one of the great or even good games I played though!
Now about Y's Ark of Nepishtim!This game was really fun in an old-school kind a way!It was very much similar(in my opinion)to the very first Zelda game back on the NES!I have to say that the graphics of the game really stood out in my opinion!The environments,character models,and weapons all looked really cool and well done!But the best part of the game had to be the CG cutscenes!The cutscenes made it so you could really see the characters of the story up close and personal!It added a lot of depth to the game just in the few minutes they were on!I bet if they were to do something like that with the old Nes Zelda then it would really affect the story's look and make it 10X more interesting!The down side of this game though had to be the gameplay!It was extremely hard to see what you were doing with such a small player at times!Also The inventory system sucked cause you could only have 20 of each item and by the end of the game you really need more than that do beat all the many bosses of the game!But I really can't criticize to much because of my stupidity at the end of the game!I saved really hastefully at the end bosses without checking my health(I let my gaming skills go to my head I guess cause I was flyin through up until then)and that made it so I couldn't see the end of the game and also it was the first time not beating a game i wanted to see through!There was also one other really strong point of the game!THE SOUND!The music was incredible!It made me feel like I was playing Chrono Cross for the first time again!I left it on pause just so I could here it half the time!Also the voice-acting was pretty good too!I didn't really have any complaints except that Adol Christin(the main Character)didn't have a voice-over!If that would have been in the game then it would have givin a lot more depth to the main character!Overall I have to say that Y's really impressed me!Everything about the game really was fun in an old gamer way+a new gamer way!I liked the fact that it was a little bit of new and a little bit of old!I will definetly remember this game and I will not erase it from my memory card so I can have another shot at it in the future!
Well there you all have it!I got to say that I had fun comparin games of similar nature and I will definetly be doing it more in the future!But in the end, the winner was Y's Ark of Nepishtim!So if any of you actually listen to my advise,I advise you to pick up Y's when you get the chance!It's only 36$ at EB's and it's worth that much!
I am thinking my next game will be Rise of Kasai,Digital Devil Saga,and someting else That I havent figured out yet!Stay tuned for the info on that!Well peace and have fun doing your stuff!