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10 things that happened to me in 2010

10. I started going out with my girlfriend in January.

9. I had a job interview at the Japanese Embassy in London.

8.I caught and cured scabies in Feb after being falsely diagnosed with stress-induced hives. I always thought of it as a "dirty" condition, like you can only catch it if you have gross habits. Truth is you can catch it just from being barefoot on a carpet.

7. I got a job in a school after volunteering for nearly 8 months.

6. I have learnt not to strike children in the sternum when they get cranky.

5. Or shake them violently.

4. I can't think of anything for number 4, so here's an awesome metal song.

3. I went to London again.

2. I got the JET job I've been working towards for the past year.

1. I'm moving to Kumamoto City in two weeks. Seriously cannot wait.