Okay, I feel in the swing of 2010 now. Still waiting on my hover shoes and fridge/computer/sex doll hybrid but for the meantime, let's keep this simple. Here's a short list of what I want out of the 10 year anniversary of Y2k.
1. Get to Japan - got an interview at the Embassy of Japan next week in London, so one step closer to that
2. Get a Mac Mini - it's been a bit of a dream for me to own a decent Mac, I've had one I got second hand but it wasn't very good. ^_^;
Until then, there's always Mac4Linux.
3. More extensions for Google Chrome - there's a real need for a decent RSS feed extension and an adblock extension. All the ones out that I've tried have failed to impress me. Same for any decent theme.
4. More variety of games - 2009 was a pretty meh year for me in terms of games. There were many great games, like Persona 4 and FEAR 2, but they were few and far between. Hopefully this year will bring more variety than the COD-clones that come out by the dozen.
5. Finish the unfinished - learn my damn music theory, finish the piles of games I've left 75% complete, finish my story, get rid of all the crap that's cluttering my room that I never everuse, and finally get a proper desk of some kind.
Now that I reread it, it looks more like a late New Year's resolution list, but oh well. ^_^;