So I was in London for the past 5 days or so. First three were business, sitting through 8 hour lectures for the JET programme, but the last 2-3 were pleasure. I work hard and play hard, baby 8)!
I start my merry journey at my local train station. The announcements over the PA echo and bounce around so much you can't really understand a lot of what's being said. ^_^;
A lot of trainspotters were creaming themselves over this steam train. I love the smell of these things, always remind me of the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester. Bloody thing nearly deafened me when it left the station.
The journey down was rather annoying. A gaggle of art students from the college came on and were trying their hardest to out-retro each other. The winners were the ones who played Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon first. What was your first video game?
Welcome to London! =D
Very uneventful up until I got lost on my way to Baker Street. If you ever go to a city take an A-Z Street map and don't trust Google Maps. Their definition of a "straight line" is different from yours and mine.
Got there in the end.
Quite frankly this was one of the scarier train rides I've been on. The carriages were shaking like mad and the wheels kept giving off bright blue sparks. For anyone from London; is this normal? :?
Stayed in a Travelodge outside the train station, on top of a bus depot. They were pretty tight - no toothpaste or shampoo and they charged £1 for 20 mins of internet. You couldn't open the window either and it was a very warm night (T_T).
An iPad advert right next to Poundland. Does Apple think about where they put their adverts or just pebbledash a map and hope for the best?
After the first intensive day of JET training, we were given dorms to sleep in. I was so tired, I had a shower and slept for 10 hours straight. What's the longest you've slept for?
After the second day, I met up with my girlfriend. Our hotel was very very nice and was a literal stone's throw from Trafalgar Square.
Which Korea is best Korea?
Much of London is having construction work for the 2012 olympics. Famous landmarks are now obscured by scaffolding and the underground is constantly being rescheduled for maintenance.
Tried out the new iPhone 4 in the Apple Store on Regent Street. Managed to get the all the bars down by holding it in my left hand too. AirGuitarist 1 - 0 Expensive toy. Anyone have an iPhone? Thinking about upgrading it?
Bloody women drivers.
The world's first particle acceleratoror "atom smasher". Love these old designs, they remind me of the 1950s B-movies.
I won't go to Harrods, I won't go to Harrods, I won't go to Harrods....bugger, I just bought something at Harrods.
On special offer. Now will only cost you thrice the amount of your home and all your worldly possessions.
Very cool jukebox with built in LCD monitor.
The London Eye gets very busy very quickly, but they're efficient at getting people on/off. Mainly because you have to jump on/off while it's still moving.
Lovely clear day, perfect for taking lots of pics.
Dave works in there.
So British you'll poop crumpets just by looking at it.
Why did no-one tell me pelicans were indigenousto Britain?
Lizzy lives in there.
Not pictured: AirGuitarist calling his mother a vagabond and an easy lay in the vain hope of some kind of emotional response.
I don't know why but finding clear water in London is really hard. :?
The Institute for Contemporary Art. It was as hilarious and asinine as I'd imagined. This piece is called "My Mistake", the artist literally ****** up so much they had to drill holes in the wall to make it fit. The description said it was "to show literally the artist breaking the boundaries". Yeah, nice job **** bite, now we can't get into the library.
It was kinda hard to eat with this painting staring at me...
...but didn't freak me out as much as the stuffed waiter at the front.
25 days and counting until I move to Kumamoto. I've got all the info, filled in all the forms and still packing all my stuff. Exciting times. I promise to do a photo blog of Kumamoto once I move there. =3