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AirGuitarist87 visits London! (56k = borked)

So I've been in London for the past two days. Finally home and put all my photos onto me comp, so here it is.


Bugger. Virgin Rail screwed me on a "window seat". Off to a good start.


The bloke sat across from me kept wandering off, either for the toilet or getting food on the next carriage over, leaving his laptop on his table. I dunno, I found it really weird. I'm very protective of my stuff, I won't even take my phone out of my pocket in some places. Do any of you have any qualms leaving your stuff about? Or do you guard it like a hawk like me? :P


Lots of Japanese shops in the area I was staying in. Lunch consisted of pork gyoza with udon in a spicy broth, a mochi and a can of disgusting green tea. I just can't seem to get into green tea no matter how hard I try. It just tastes like stale pond water. Anyone here actually like green tea? :?


My hotel room. Called a "Captain's Cabin" it's a little bit bigger than a cupboard. It was actually on a floor of it's own and I'm pretty sure it used to be a utility cupboard.


Snack time. Chicken onigiri and another mochi (those things are bloody tasty). I removed my Ubuntu 9.10 partition and replaced it with Ubuntu Netbook Remix. It's good, but just have an ethernet cable handy. It won't install your wireless drivers until you download an update (see the catch 22?) which is a daft move, seeing as it installs the drivers on the live session.


Dinner time. Found this fantastic Japanese restaurant called Cha no Mo (I think it means "tea as well"). Had a bento of pork katsu, aubergine in soy ginger, salmon skin in soy vinegar and rice.


I don't know if all of London was like this, but everywhere I went was always full of traffic. You can't seem to escape it. Even the parks are surrounded by 4-8 lanes of traffic which you can always hear.


Arrived at the embassy a little early (4 hours) so went for a walk.


As a general rule: if the shop doesn't have price tags on anything, you're more than likely never going to be able to afford what they're selling. ^_^;


Getting anywhere was a nightmare. There was construction work going on nigh on everywhere. Even the underground had several lines shut for construction work.


For those not in the know, I'm applying to work in Japan as an English teacher. This is the Japanese embassy which has a very grand and almost intimidating interior, but when you go for an interview you get an ex-JET to take you around and talk to you. The one I was chatting with ended up talking about Japanese toilet habits. :lol:

You're not allowed to say what goes on in the interview or the short grammar test you get, but anyone applying and worried about it shouldn't be. There really is no way you can prepare yourself for them unless you're a walking dictionary. I feel that the whole thing went well, but you can't really can't tell with these things. I'll find out if I've got a place or not in April.

Has anyone been to London before? Did you like it?


Home time. I have the absolute worst luck when it comes to window seats. :cry: