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AirGuitarist's review of 2 mins on the iPad


The iPad came out last Friday and after a bit of...persuation (ie. standing uncomfortably close to the guy in front of me and sniffing his hair) managed to get to the front of the demo table at the Apple store (he smelt of papiya, by the way).

I only managed to get a 2 min try of it but I feel it was more than enough.

The first thing I did was try out a puzzle game. I wound a lot of string around this wooden statue and tied the end around a nail. Puzzle solved. Not sure why I was doing it, but I'm not one to question. Next I went on a piano app where I couldn't hear anything, even with the sound on full, because of the hussle and bussle around me. I'm pretty sure I was doing an epic rendition of The Final Countdown, though. Finally, I read Winnie the Pooh and looked up "rabbit" in the dictionary (pictured).

Let me break down what I did in those two mins:

Which brings my half arsed Amazon search total to £212. Compared to the iPads starting price of £429, I feel I'm saving quite a bundle here.

In all honesty, if you're hell bent on getting something Apple, spend an extra £90 and get a Mac Mini. It will literally do an infinite more than the iPad ever can, plus porn.