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ATH-EM7 Review

Just got some new headphones through the post.


They're a lot smaller than I imagined. I've just had them on my charging iPod for a bit to break them in slightly and so far, I'm very happy with them. The sound is very clear but not tinny. It does lack bass but that's to be expected since they hang on your ears rather than hug them. The clip on thingies are very comfortable but I'm still fiddling with them to make them as snug as possible. Because all the instructions on the box are in Japanese I have the strong suspicion I'm wearing them wrong. They are very well built, not at all heavy but also feel solid to the touch. The sound is isolated better than you'd expect, but is still audible at higher volumes.

If you can get them to hang closer to your ears (if you wear a beanie hat for example) then you'd hear that they're still very good quality. They don't like very loud music and crackle slightly under the pressure, but in all honesty I wouldn't have them that high anyway (I was just testing them). Of course this was the first song I tested.

I would recommend them, so long as you have another big pair of headphones for more dedicated listening, if that makes sense. These headphones are my "going out, but might not listen to music" headphones.


Me wearing them, but also eating a hot cross bun...what? Hot cross buns are awesome!