Reserve slots.
For those who don't know, reserve slots are like season tickets for a sports event, you're always guarenteed a spot. In PC gaming if someone with a reserve slot comes online and wants to play a game, you're booted off in order to allow someone who's paid extra to play. This is very annoying, I feel no need at all to pay extra for something I've already paid for. Forking over an extra couple of quid in order to be guarenteed a playing slot is borderline elitist. I don't always have time to game. Sometimes I can leave a game for months then come back to it. It's the main reason I steer clear of MMOs with subscription fees. If I started paying monthly for something that would make playing the game a commitment, in order to fool myself into think it wasn't a complete waste of money, and once something becomes a commitment it stops being fun.
In other news, finally finished my exams so treated myself to The Dark Knight on Blu-Ray. Somehow, the Pencil Trick is better in HD.
Nearing the end of Persona 3 as well. It's an odd sensation I haven't felt in a long time - the feeling of not wanting to finish a game because it was that good. Most games released nowadays can be finished within a few hours, like Portal for example, so finishing the game is more like a surprise. I finished Fallout 3 without really realising it (the ending is really pathetic in my opinion) and the experience just isn't rich enough to get that attached to it. Persona 3 has taken me back years to when I used to play the old PSone Final Fantasies, with 80-90 hour game saves and having that one save just before the last boss. Games these days are just way too impersonal, they're about getting to the top of the leaderboard or getting Achievements/Trophies instead of being immersed in a world that's far beyond our own yet feels strangely like home.
On a completely unrelated topic, I've been pondering a theory. When there are more people in a situation they are less likely to help you, known as Diffusion of Responsibility, for example here. Now, whenever there's something serious going down how come there's always some camera phone footage on the news? Are people more willing to grab their mobile phones then lend a helping hand? I dunno. I need sleep.