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So this summer I graduated from university. Awesome. So why am I feeling so sick?

In my mindset I still have this idea that I'm going to be doing something in September. I've been in full time education for the past 18 years of my life and getting out of this habit is strange an unnerving. It's signifying that I'm grown up and it's time to move on. There is no teacher waiting for me to finish work, no new year of projects and revision needed - in other words: everything I do from here on out is on my own accord.

And this terrifies me.

I find myself using pathetic excuses for not doing anything. I end up putting the most basic of tasks off for days simply because I'm too lazy or have an odd "worst case scenario" unfolding in my mind. So instead of doing the things I said I would do if I had more time, I end up festering; sitting inside all day doing nothing which is what's making me feel ill.

So: new rule.

Anything that can be put off until tomorrow gets done today.