I condemn thee to the fiery pits of the Underworld.
I really find it insane that of all the talented actors, writers and nice people in the world that go unnoticed and unloved this shower of **** get their own show. Honestly, the combination of the horrific acting, the nigh-on unbearable writing and the canned laughter that is used way too often (ie. more than never) has given me indigestion. It's like my body is physically rejecting it.
There's a very daunting thought at the back of my mind telling me that this pile of wank is going to stay on for quite a while. Two Pints of Lager & A Packet of Crisps has been on the air for years despite a universal hatred and general unfunniness. Call me old fashioned, but I like to find comedy funny. If it's not funny, what I'm watching is an awkward drama.
I think the straw that broke the camels back was an incredibly unfunny joke that went along the lines of:
"She's fit, like Lily Savage"
"Lily Savage is a man. Like Cilla Black."
The only way someone would understand this joke would be if (a) they watched TV in the 1980s-90s and (b) you had the mental capacity of a lobotomised walrus. Giving that this is set in a college, the actors as supposed to represent 16-18 year olds. If this is true then they would have been born in 1991 at the earliest. Taking into consideration that both Lily Savage and Cilla Black peaked at around 1994, it just shows exactly who was writing this crap.