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Confessions of a non-drinker

I have a confession. Well, not so much a confession as a statement.

I'm 20 years old and I've never been drunk.

For as long as I can remember I can't stand alcohol. In both meanings of the word. Physically, I take a few sips of something that tastes nothing like what it's supposed to (ie. vodka and coke tastes like grape juice and beer tastes like fizzy battery acid) and I begin to feel incredibly sick with a huge headache and red face. My feelings towards drinking has changed more than James Hetfields facial hair. At first I was a bit ashamed I couldn't drink, often pretending I just have the occassional kiddy drink like WKD, and wished that I was just a little bit more tolerent of the stuff. Then the older I got, the less it bothered me and I just calmly declined any offers with an explanation if asked.

Now I can't stand alcohol. The stuff is the main reason I don't get to see half my friends most of the time. My idea of a good time with friends is to hang out anywhere and have a good chat or do something fun like go to the cinemas. Now, being in university, half of my friends have this idea that having a "good time" is somehow objectively measure by how much you can remember of the previous night, or if you're lucky enough to remember, how much you've consumed. When I'm pestered onto these nights out I become insanely bored, often leaving early because I simply have nothing better to do.

Being completely sober I have made some amusing observations. I can catagorise what kind of drunk people can become.

  • Born again sober: Always the first to throw up, very lightweight. Often seen resting head against the porcelin of a toilet saying "Never again...never again".
  • The lover: Goes around telling everyone how much they love you. Usually this is swiftly followed by Born again sober
  • Waterworks: Becomes incredibly emotional over the slightest of things. Won't make a whole lot of sense. Can also fall into the lover catagory, or become incredibly bitter towards anything and everything.
  • The Genius: Is often heard saying "I've got a great idea!" which can end up with hilarious consequences posted up on YouTube.
  • Sir Mopesalot: Stops talking. Completely. You'll be lucky if you can get a visual response out of them.
  • Hungry Hungry Hippo: No night out is complete without cheesy garlic bread and greasy meat of questionable origins at 3am.

There's more but I'm tired.

On a lighter note - transsexual toilets opened in Thailand. I dunno why but that makes me smile a bit. It's kind of nice to know that people are becoming more tolerant of that which is different. I can't see it coming to Britain in a million years, however. This'd be like waving a red flag at a bull for skin heads.