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Death of the conversation

More and more I find myself in this situation:

You meet someone you know from school/work/wherever and you strike up a conversation. But what is there to talk about? Your day? You blogged it. How school is going? Was on your Facebook update. The fight you had with your girlfriend at the party last week? You tweeted it.

With all these instant updates which don't even require you to be at a computer at the time, I find that a lot of people I talk to are running out of things to say. Luckily I don't divulge much information about myself as broadcastable news. My Facebook updates are rare and usually satirical, often the only one on my update page that has proper spelling and grammar. My tweets are fun little links I find. I don't announce my feelings or goings on en masse as I prefer to talk to people face to face about it. Trouble is now I look like I can only talk about myself. Well, at least I have something to say. >_>

What do you think? Does announcing every little thing that happens negating more from what you can say in person?