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I've been tagged

Damn you C-Lee! a

Okay, so 5 random facts about myself...let's see.

1. I have a degree in Psychology with Law, that I'd dead proud of. My dissertation was on Loneliness and Internet Usage, which I was proud to have shoehorned some psychoanalysis (which my department hates) and still got top marks on it.

2. I have well over 200 games, including downloaded PC games from Steam, so now I'm sorting out which ones to throw out. I've decided on these so far.

3. I'm currently learning Japanese. ぼくはすごしわかります。

4. I always have really bizarre dreams. I love recalling them from time to time.

5. My favourite band is Edguy.

Reet, I'll choose my next tags in the comments when I'm done scheming. Mwahahaha.